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Moving Static Objects


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I think the creator of FengShui had intended to add support for static objects.


Anyone know of a mod that managed to allow players move statics in-game?


RTS allows me to move somethings, but other things such as destroyied cars and concrete barriers are not moveable

Edited by veng
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A moveable static object's collision has to have "Allow Transforms" selected and be assigned a mass. In 3ds max it is bhkRigidBody > Rigid Body Parameters.


I think I may have asked my question improperly. I don't want to change static objects to be movable in the physics engine.

I was wondering if it was possible to shift objects, such as rocks or walls, and have them stay static.


Real Time Settler allows you to move and rotate things, like vending machines or barrels.


You may have answered my question. If you did, alas I am an idiot.

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DizzasterJuice was explaining that you can't move statics because their havok data will remain wherever they were placed, since it is not allowed to move. So the physical appearance of the object will move, but there will still be a wall where it originally was placed, and the new wall will not be solid.
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DizzasterJuice was explaining that you can't move statics because their havok data will remain wherever they were placed, since it is not allowed to move. So the physical appearance of the object will move, but there will still be a wall where it originally was placed, and the new wall will not be solid.

Do I understand you correctly that to make for example clutter/office/MetalBox01.nif movable by the Z key I would "just" have to go into the MetalBox01.nif using nifscope or 3DSMax and activate bhkRigidBody > Rigid Body Parameters > Allow Transform?



The Nonsense Factory

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I recently had to do this for some vanilla static meshes so I could move them around. I was stumped until I decided to just look at how a simple movable object was set up.


I found that in the bhkCollisionObject -> bhkRigidBodyT (or whatever it's called), there are a few values that can be changed to give the desired result.


  • Set Layer and Layer Copy to OL_ANIM_STATIC
  • Motion System should be MO_SYS_KEYFRAMED
  • Quality Type should be MO_QUAL_KEYFRAMED


Those four settings allowed a static to be moved by script. Another way you can tell if you get it right is to set Nifskope to draw the Havok data. For static objects it draws red, for movable objects it draws purple.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, i have followed this advice and indeed the havok data for the object becomes colored purple in nifskope, however which way would one move such an object together with its collision data in game? Using the setPos function yields a moving static, but doesn't move the collision data, even if the movable static is set as obstacle. What would be the best way to actually move the object?
Thank you in advance.

Edited by Adimanther
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Adimanther - Hello!


"Using the setPos function yields a moving static, but doesn't move the collision data, even if the movable static is set as obstacle."


The object's collision should move with it if it's set to be an animated static.


I've got several sliding doors that use animated statics & are moved with a script using SetPos.


Only normal statics will leave their collision behind when setpos is used on them.


Make sure you've changed Layer AND Layer Copy both to OL_ANIM_STATIC.


Motion System should be set to MO_SYS_KEYFRAMED.


Deactivator should be set to DEACTIVATOR_SPATIAL.


Quality Type should be set to MO_QUAL_KEYFRAMED.


Hope this helps!



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