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Mod compilations & TOS clarification


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I occasionally get a request to include a mod that I authored in a mod compilation, which I respectfully deny because I have always thought that the mega-compilation overhauls that combine 50 existing mods into one were a terrible idea. It is hard enough to make a single game enhancement work the way that you want it to, respond to the inevitable bug reports that will pop up when it is tested by 500 people instead of just yourself, fix the reported bugs, then perhaps do it all over again when an official patch is released that changes something relevant to your mod. Combining a ton of mods would only multiply the complexity of this and keeping a compilation updated and bugfixed must be a nightmare for the person who made the compilation as well as the people who use it.


Today I was browsing the forum and I came across a mention somewhere of a rule prohibiting mod compilations in the nexus TOS. I checked and sure enough this is the text from the TOS:


Do not upload compilations of other users work irrespective of whether the authors of the work you would like to compile together have agreed to your using their work in your compilation. For example: no "my favourite mods" lists or "best weapon" compilations.


To further complicate things you can actually tag search for compilations. Being able to tag search for a type of mod that is prohibited by the TOS seems contradictory. Is this rule simply not enforced, or am I not correctly understanding what its purpose is?

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It's one of those rules that is put up to prevent 95% of the times that uploading such a mod would be bad/annoying/a waste of space. When people make worthwhile compilations (or compilations are necessary, like with XCOM or Far Cry 3 modding) then we really don't mind, but it's really to prevent the "my favourite mods compilation" and "this compilations of 1,000 mods works gais!" threads popping up. Rather than confuse the situation by saying "We allow some compilation mods but not others", we just have a rule against it and if anyone is unsure they can just ask us.
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