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Do objects that are "under the ground" affect performance / memory usage?

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Good evening everybody!


I am currently (among other things ...) working on a mod that "cleans up" and "restores" Fallout 4 (into a hopefully "pre-war" state and removes all the quests).


So I am "removing" all of the debris and trash (by moving the objects under the ground, to not cause any compatibility problems).

I normally don't care about performace at all, but this is just something that kind of "bothered" me:



Do objects that are below the landscape / below the ground (invisible to the player) have any impact on performance?

Would it make a difference if they were moved under the ground AND disabled?



I mean, it would make sense if a "disabled" object does not get actually loaded, so it would not need any memory / affect performace, right?

But the game does not always behave in a "logical" way, so I am asking this here ....



I think I already have asked something like this before, but back then I was planning on actually deleting the references (editing the Fallout4.esm itself).



If you know anything about this, let me know here ...

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Disabled objects still fire OnLoad script events, worth testing yourself tho. With the frame rate drop around greentech which is map 0,0,0 that has a tonne of junk underground I infer it does have an impact so move disabled crap to specific holding cells I create.
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Disabled objects still fire OnLoad script events, worth testing yourself tho. With the frame rate drop around greentech which is map 0,0,0 that has a tonne of junk underground I infer it does have an impact so move disabled crap to specific holding cells I create.

I've been wondering this myself as I've been expanding on different locations and disabling the mist references and other stuff. I guess i would have figured that cutting the references out of the cell would still end up being deleted references. I assume that's what you mean by putting the crap into a holding cell, is cutting and pasting them?

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I dont make any changes to the existing static world, its all runtime scripted MoveTo() which works around annoying enable state parents and such.

That sounds good!


But I want to have the plugin that "cleans up" everything as e master file for further work.

And if all of the scrap get "cleanded up" with a script, then it would still apear if I loaded the plugin in the CK, which would make working on stuff annoying ...


But I think I just had an idea:


If I remember correctly, FO4Edit has a function to "undelete and disable deleted objects". So basically it takes "deleted" object references and just "disables" them.

So I could just move all of the unwanted stuff under the ground and delete it, then use FO4Edit to disable all of those "deleted references" at once, instead of having to "disable" every single object "by hand" in the CK, right?

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sounds sensible, but I am an FO4e n00b so best get a knowledgeable opinion on that.


if your stuck moving in the active worldspace find coordinates of a low render low visit place like under the east edge of the sea or such.

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sounds sensible, but I am an FO4e n00b so best get a knowledgeable opinion on that.


if your stuck moving in the active worldspace find coordinates of a low render low visit place like under the east edge of the sea or such.

You are a FO4 n00b? Yeah right ....

Says the "master of scripting" ...


Jokes aside:

Doesn't moving references out of a cell (in a worldspace) and into another cell "remove" the reference form that "original cell"? If so, that would cause "compatibility problems" if another mod "touches" said reference, right?

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> Doesn't moving references out of a cell (in a worldspace) and into another cell "remove" the reference form that "original cell"?


Sorry, If I misread the question here, but I think there is a bug where moving a placed reference to another cell (eg. select, drag drop to an adjacent cell), the ref's parent cell reference is _not updated.

I think the issue is reported to CK's error log and xEdit should have a script that should correct the issue, "Put worldspace references in the right cells.pas"

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