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Can't stop starting new games.


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that is so true, and, i don't think you can have fun in games unless you do it with a degree of mindlessness. just do one thing and then the next.


user guide to playing skyrim.


when a dragon almost kills you and you run away the next course of action is too go kill some skeletons, use their gold to buy ale.

you should not turn the game off and spend a week considering which perk overhaul and dragon combo will let you win next time.

Edited by jack013
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I've had some similar things happen. I got the game for PC on Christmas of 2011 and I played it a lot from late December of 2011 to spring of 2012. And I played a lot, but didn't really do anything. I hardly did any quests. I finished no questlines. I kept exploring the world and getting more locations on my map and did quests occasionally and checked out this thing and checked out that thing...but didn't do much. And I spent so much time gathering alchemy ingredients. I'd go to one spot of Skyrim get certain alchemy ingredients, and then I'd go to other parts to get others, so that I could craft so many good potions and poisons. I remember discovering how good river betties are for poisons and spending a lot of time gathering them. Stupid now that I think about it. So anyway, I was playing like this, and was power leveling (I'll get to that in a moment), and I didn't like the kind of character I was developing. I was spreading out the perks too much. I was making a character that wasn't too good because perks were going every which way. I went back to a level 5 save and started reshaping my character. But then, I was hooked on power leveling. I power leveled a lot, and then I realized I was ruining the game for myself that way. So I took a break from the game.


In May of 2012, I started a new game and went for a sword and board Nord, and I was determined to 'play the game right' this time. So, things were smooth sailings at first. But then, what did I end up doing? I got hooked on buying enchanted apparel for my character. Soon, I was traversing from place to place upon loading a game, checking merchants and blacksmiths for enchanted apparel, especially fortified one-handed apparel. I was using a mod that allows for multiple rings and amulets, so I was hooked on finding more fortified one-handed rings and amulets. And so...I was being a putz again. :facepalm: I ended up taking a break from the game in July and was going to pick up the game again, with the same character and all, but I ended up taking a bigger break from the game then I had intended to. In the fall, I got a new PC. In late December of 2012, I decided to pick up Skyrim again, but found it troublesome to translate my saves and mod configuration from one PC to another one. So I started a new game with another sword and board Nord less than a month ago.


Now, I feel like I'm playing it for real. No power leveling, I'm not hooked on getting enchanted gear from merchants, I'm just exploring, doing quests, accomplishing things in the game, I'm adventuring. I have the mods I really want, and after some trial and error, I like how I'm playing and I like the character I'm developing, especially with the help of some mods (they are helping me shape a good character). And I found a mod that allows you to pay court wizards to enchant your items, so that takes care of that. Now I'm really enjoying this game I started about a month ago. Like I said, I actually play the game now, I do quests regularly, I accomplish things in the game. I have some questlines I want to finish with my Nord character, and then...I'll play through the MQ. Yeah, I haven't finished the MQ yet. :facepalm: Anybody else here who hasn't finished the main quest?

Edited by Dubnoman
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I have been thinking on asking on this forum for help for the exact same problem. Glad (I know I shouldn't be) to see I'm not the only one with this problem.


I always get to like 30-40 and realize that my character is not where I would want him to be and that my playthrough so far has little narrative logic in terms of the quests completed and order in which I have completed them.


But my "issue" goes a little bit further than that, because once I reach that point I also tend to see things in the game which frustrate me to no end.


To give some examples:

- The fact that I never feel like a powerful wizard, I almost always have to rely on gimmicks in order to play as a mage. Destruction always feels underpowered when I'm using it (although the enemy hurts like hell when he uses it) and my magicka pool and regen force me to use shitty tactics and take advantage of the limited AI to win. I know there are such things as potions, but the no cooldown implementation they have just makes it a cheap and exploitable mechanic. I want to feel like more than a conjurer of cheap tricks, dragging a sack filed with potions after him.


- The fact that I CAN'T refuse a quest. Just by talking to people I end up having a huge list of hints in my list and even when quests give you the option to refuse, the questgiver is like "Ok, so you don't want to do this quest, but we'll keep it in your journal just in case".


- All the freaking houses! Don't get me wrong. I think one of the first mods I got for Morrowind was a house, but Skyrim has outright devalued them by the sheer number of houses you can get. I know no one is forcing me to buy any, but the fact that I end up Thane in almost every city makes me feel like I'm playing the game wrong if I'm not buying all the houses, just for the reason of providing my Housecarl a place to stay.

Morrowind did it perfectly IMO, with just 3 houses, each unique in style and design, based on which political faction you end up being in.


- This brings me to my next point: Why is there NO exclusivity in this game apart from the civil war within Skyrim? Why am I allowed to become the "Master" of all the guilds in the game? And why am I encouraged to become a member of every freaking guild, when my thief has clearly nothing to with magic >.<

I remember a time when you actually had to meet requirements in order to join a guild and even advance to a rank. I end up as the Arch-mage or whatever and yet almost half of the mages in the College can most likely kick my ass if they wanted to. (Also am I the only one annoyed when Ulfric asks why would he want me on his side when I'm like, the advisor of the most renowned fighters guild in Skyrim, oh and also the mother effing Dovahkiin?)


And whenever I get to these things I end up trying to "fix" the game using mods... And I keep repeating this process over and over again each time I start a new character. Same thing happened in Fallout New Vegas, although there it was more because towards the end things get messy and confusing with all the factions involved (and my brain fries when I try to do all those quests and still have some logic when it comes to the outcome and order in which I complete them).


Am I hopeless? Does anyone have any advice for me? I can't seem to enjoy the full experience Skyrim has to offer and I certainly can't finish the game in a satisfying manner.

Am I the only one who notices these things, the only one bothered by them?



I feel like s*** after writhing all of this. It saddens me that I can't enjoy this game although I'm desperately trying to.

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Started playin again after a 6 month break. Before the break I was like that too, making a new char every few weeks, never lvling past 20. Stopped playing coz at the time there were no mods that prevented from Bandits being sneeze to kill while something like Adept bandit takes 20 arrows to put down.


Now started again, seems like im okay (mostly thanks to Requiem mod, also disables fast travel which is epic), but I still get the occasional urge to start over, this time only because I feel like I cheated allot with Save games and think should play it more like 1 life.

Problem is I die from 1 arrow when wearing cloth coz of le realism (requiem) mod and and.. well, there are occasional annoying things like a party of vampires during sun light who rape everything. Also there is the problem of being unable to level/perk up w/o being a 'mass murderer' like some here said.. and its pretty imposibul to be a mass murderer from lvl 1 w/o dying and making mistakes. =(


Any mod that can restrict my save games to "once a something" would be appreciated.

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I always end up starting a new character if one of these things happens:


a- I'm dying too much. (I discovered a bad build! Let's not try this again.)


b- I've completed the main quest. (I always feel sortof .. listless after this. Though it isn't as bad as it was in Oblivion where I was actually depressed when it was all over).


c- I'm at a level where I'm not seeing non-boss monsters anymore. Even with de-levelers there always seems to come a time when all the nordic ruins are filled with draugr deathlords. It really sucks. It doesn't feel 'more epic' it feels annoying. And I know the game is trying to 'give me a challenge' but it doesn't.

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I feel like s*** after writhing all of this. It saddens me that I can't enjoy this game although I'm desperately trying to.


I think you can enjoy Skyrim if you just accept it's imperfections and flaws. On PC and with the mods, it is a great game, but the devs didn't make a perfect game. They accomplished a lot, though, gotta give them at least some credit. Bringing together a game so open-ended and with such depth and making it a good game takes a lot. Just sit back and enjoy Skyrim for what it is. Loosen up some, don't be so fussy, and enjoy Skyrim for what it is. That is my advice to you.

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