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Can't stop starting new games.


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I don't satisfy with lighting mods in this site. none of them suit to my preference. I am thinking to create my own mod if I couldn't find the right mod soon.

Edited by Gryphex
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Most of you have me beat: I never seem to get past level 30 .


I explored skyrim, not 100% as there was def a few dungeons I missed, but after that there just doesn't seem to be anything driving me to keep playing


The only quests lines I completed were the main, the dawngaurd, the civil war and the mages guild quest. All the others I stopped around halfway through due mostly to indifference.


Its just that the world feels so......static. The exploration feels dynamic, feels new, but these boxed quests with lackluster stories and boring objectives just never seem to do it for me.


I think this is a huge problem with RPG games in general: the Tech keeps improving, but the gameplay formula hasn't really offered anything original in years. If anything, considering the quality of many of the questlines in say, Morrowind, it can be argued that its actually regressed to an even simpler formula.


Lets start with the generic formula:


First, the player is the chosen one. If he doesn't start that way there's at least a premonition (prophecy, dream, etc) he will eventually be the chosen one. If not that, then the player knows that eventually he'll get uber powerful and be the chosen one anyway.


For the elder scrolls at least, you get one main quest to be the chosen one. The rest of the quests are "organizations" you choose in order to reach.........the status of chosen one (arch-mage, vampire lord, single-handedly win civil war etc).


Third, is that there's going to be stuff. Magical, shiny stuff. Many quests will revolve around this, and it should be your general goal to accumulate as much of this stuff as possible, just cuz.


Anyways........there's 5000 ideas of what elder scrolls 6 should have, and so I'm going to start with a 5000 word essay..........kidding


You know what helps me re-invent a character sometimes and throw some life into a game? Dump your inventory: everything. run back out into the world wearing nothing but a sack cloth of pants. You'll be mad to lose your UBER HAMMER MADE WITH A GOD'S Blood. but I get the most fun out of using magic to kill some bandit and feeling a sense of accomplishment grabbing his shoes, 20 gold pieces and rusty mace.

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Man I thought I was the only one with this problem because none of my friends have the problem. I have literally made over 50-100 new characters if not more than that. I only have 520 hours spread across them.

I delete old characters:


when i come back from long breaks long breaks

when I get the stupid idea to play as either a mage or a warrior (which i never have fun with in these games) and then decide to go back to stealthy archery

when I decide I want my character to be a certain way

when I switch from one-hand and two-hand as secondary weapon types

when i find a new armor mod that I love but doesn't fit my character's personality or profession

when I come back from short breaks

when install and uninstall skyre deciding I like it and don't like it

when I decide fighting dragons is annoying and boring and decide to play the game without doing the main quest

when I come back from a 24 hour break

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In my opinion, such a behavior is a sign of burntout-isis.
You know the quests, dialogues and places too well to draw pleasure from discovering them. So you focus on secondary aspects of the game.
Try having a long break away from Skyrim.

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I made a dead-is-dead thread but nobody was interested, so I'll just jump in on this one.


DID was something I just threw in to see what a "real" Dragonborn would play like, one who can't respawn after he dies but actually has to survive to fulfill his destiny. "What is that guy like?" You'll only know if you find out for yourself. That was the theory.


In practice I've never felt such a strong urge to survive in a video game. The longer you live the harder you fight to stay alive. You learn to be careful, to focus as much on keeping yourself safe as amassing more power. And you learn to run like hell from Spriggans, even if you have a chance of beating them. Bears and sabre cats might as well be the sandworms of Dune, complete with your having to always know where there is ROCK so you'll have a place to run.


Risks are something you really think about. I prepared obsessively for the Azura's Star battle and wondered the entire time whether it would be worth it, whether I was doomed to die in there with no way out. When the battle finally came all the MR and FR I had piled on made the fight pretty easy, but the point of it was the sweaty palms when Azura asks you if you're ready to go in.


After playing at this level of intensity I don't think I could go back. It's really frustrating to die, but it's really amazing to live.


You also do sort of munchkin-y things like protect your non-combat skill virginity until the "Hell Levels" start, drawing out those first 5 levels of awesomeness as long as possible. Level 10 is the Ninth Plane of the Hell Levels (don't do the math -- it's a metaphor).


And my Level 10 Breton has Azura's Star! I sure hope I can keep him alive after all this ... if he gets gored soul trapping a mammoth won't that be ironic. :P

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In my opinion, such a behavior is a sign of burntout-isis.

You know the quests, dialogues and places too well to draw pleasure from discovering them. So you focus on secondary aspects of the game.

Try having a long break away from Skyrim.


My best and only memorys of skyrim are playing through back in nov-dec 2011 although ive played it constantly since, so I think you've partly nailed it there.

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Man I thought I was the only one with this problem because none of my friends have the problem. I have literally made over 50-100 new characters if not more than that. I only have 520 hours spread across them.

I delete old characters:


when i come back from long breaks long breaks

when I get the stupid idea to play as either a mage or a warrior (which i never have fun with in these games) and then decide to go back to stealthy archery

when I decide I want my character to be a certain way

when I switch from one-hand and two-hand as secondary weapon types

when i find a new armor mod that I love but doesn't fit my character's personality or profession

when I come back from short breaks

when install and uninstall skyre deciding I like it and don't like it

when I decide fighting dragons is annoying and boring and decide to play the game without doing the main quest

when I come back from a 24 hour break

mwhauhauahaaa... we're all brothers and sisters in skyrim's bind now... :biggrin:

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Yes, as others have said, I do believe this is a symptom of having played the game too much. It's also a factor with the idea of creating a character and playing that character is more fun than the reality of playing it.


In Oblivion the combat and magic system seemed so terrible to me that I could only ever play the game as a Stealthy Archer. Despite creating mage character destined to become the "Master Necromancer" or warriors to become like Conan the Barbarian, I'd end up scrapping them after the first few hours playing them. It simply wasn't fun having the never-ending slashing war with some stupid guard, or casting that same Firebolt over and over. After a while, it got to the point where every time I sat down to play Oblivion I'd end up creating a new character and then ditching it after that session. Then I'd start from scratch again the next time I played. I only did the main quest once, and I never did it again or any other quests afterwards - despite playing the game from its release up until Skyrim was released in 2011.


In Skyrim the combat was thankfully so much better. I started out with a female Orc warrior and got to maybe level 40 or so. Then I ditched it and created a Breton mage that got to level 62 and completed far more of the game with her. Since then I've made a Stealthy Archer (oh no!) and gotten her to Level 45. Once again it seems only that sneaking and using a bow appeals to me, and I don't do any of the quests anymore. I still haven't done the Main Quest with any character yet, despite 705 hours played.


My girlfriend criticises me endlessly for never having done the MQ in all that time, and since she bought me Dawnguard all I've done is taken a crossbow and used that to further my dreaded Stealthy Archery and haven't even started the questline for that. Now I'm starting to slip back into creating a new character each time I play, just like with Oblivion.


It's really quite terrible, but at least we're having fun and we aren't alone...

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