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Long load & save times in the CreationKit. Normal?

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Good evening everybody!


I have a esp plugin that has a copy of the "Commonwealth"-worldspace in it.

But whenever I load that plugin in the CK, it takes almost an hour to load.

Saving takes about 10 minutes.


Is this normal?


The size of that plugin is "only" 180 MB, so nothing too big ...


I mean the "vanilla" FO4.esm gets loaded within about a minute and saving only takes a second or so ...

So one would think that it would just take "double that time", if I had a "copy" of the FO4 worldspace in that ESP, right?


Or is there something wrong here ... ?

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Unless your computer is powered by a bunch of potatoes this is very odd.

I mean is it the complete Commonwealth with all its static objects or just the terrain meshes?


No, I prefer to actually eat potatoes, not build PCs with them :laugh:

And for "powering" stuff, lemons would be more efficient then potatoes ...


But jokes aside:


I have a fairly decent PC (i7-8700 processor, 16GBs of RAM, ...), no problems with performance while playing FO4, and other plugins load very quickly (1 min) in the CK.

I am also currently working on another mod that has a large custom worldspace in it (about the size of the commonwealth, but not really "cluttered" yet) and that loads in about half a minute..



The worldspace is a complete copy of the "commonwealth" worldspace (objects, landscape, everything except the NPCs).


Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the "vanilla" FO4 worldspaces and all of those things are in BA2 archives and maybe that somehow shortens loadtimes (does not sound logical, because they would have to be "unpacked" and then loaded, instead of just being loaded, right?)

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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I had the same experience working in a personal world space, even working in a world with much less things than the Commonwealth, loading and saving was very slow, the only way to work in an acceptable way is using Version Control (https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Version_Control_and_Multiple_Contributor_Collaboration).


You must convert your esp into an esm through Version Control, and then continue working on an esp (using your esm as master) that you must occasionally merge with the esm (through VC as well).

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