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THQ is gone


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I would have thought that SR franchise would go to either EA

In what world could that ever, even remotely, be a GOOD thing?


I can't even count the ways that a SR4 could go horribly wrong with EA guiding things... Especially if they try to make it appeal to a larger (younger) audience. :facepalm:


And Origin, that said at least it would work, Koch Media have a history of poor quality and outright broken titles. It's a shame Ubisoft didn't get it, they at least wait until games are finished before releasing them.

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Good Riddance THQ is Gone.


Phew. No EA or ActivisionBlizzard. Not all is lost.


Well with Sega getting relic pretty much means were likely not to see anything on youtube for any relic game.


I heard Bethesda lost Relic for a mere 300. I’m totally fine with relic going with SEGA. While they DLC’d the crap out of the latest Total War games, the vast majority of those mircodlcs are truly optional stuff that you don’t need to feel like you own the whole game. As opposed to obvious cut content like a door in the middle of your central hub / ship in mass effect with the message “you have to buy this DLC to access this part of your ship”


Darksiders developer Vigil Games received no bids and unfortunately will be shut down.


Poor sods, that's probably going to happen to entities not included in the sale.


Has anything Deep Silver/Koch Media produced worked properly? I associate them with broken or poor quality RPGs.

According to Wikipedia, their games branch is Deep Silver. Their big brands appear to be Dead Island and the X series, among others. So I think it’s time to start making jokes about what Saints Row 4′s collector edition knick-knack is going to be.

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In what world could that ever, even remotely, be a GOOD thing?


I can't even count the ways that a SR4 could go horribly wrong with EA guiding things... Especially if they try to make it appeal to a larger (younger) audience. :facepalm:


Since when SR going to Kosh Media/Deep Silver is a good thing? They don't have the marketing power that EA has and their games were mediocre at best. SR was already catering to "larger (younger) audience" or have you forgotten the marketing campaign for SR3? Your reasoning for not liking EA is pretty immature coming from you.

EA's marketing power is possibly one of their worst components. Or did you miss their marketing attempts for Dante's Inferno, Deadspace, and other similarly "mature" titles?


Marketing though, really isn't the problem here... It's actual game design and implementation. In the process of trying to work to a larger audience (making the game rated for Teens instead of Mature), much of the violence, gore, and sexual content has to be trimmed or toned down. Given that EA has pretty much failed in all respects regarding any of their previous "mature" games where they had any real say over the project, this would only be a recipe for something bad.


SR3 marketing might have tried steering for the younger adult group, but as for actual game content goes, I can't see how the numerous references to bondage and BDSM could have even been approved if the game wasn't intended for an older audience. The marketing was handled by THQ, which was probably showing signs of trouble, so of course they would try to broaden the market in order to get sales (and was probably one of the reasons why so much of the game felt like it was cut up and sold piecemeal as DLC).


I wouldn't really write off Koch Media though. While they don't market particularly well, atleast 2 of the games I'm familiar with (dead island, and spellforce 2) were reasonably well handled. Although the part about games being somewhat buggy is a concern, I was under the impression that they were going to keep the Volition team, and just handle the publishing, instead of try to do it themselves. The only real thing I would be particularly concerned about here is regarding whatever DRM scheme they use since most of Koch Media's games have used either Starforce, or similar DRM schemes which have a tendency to screw over players. Still not as bad as Ubisoft though.

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