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Bouncy Ground and General collision issue


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Sometimes I'll be walking through the wasteland and my character (and NPCs spawned in the area) will start bouncing on the ground, its really f***ing annoying and I have to quick save and quick load to fix it. Sometimes I even have to fast travel to give stuff its collision back, and sometimes still stuff near the area won't be solid and bullets go right through it, really f***ing me up.


Heres my mod list, anybody know what might be causing it?



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  • 6 years later...

Sorry for the necro, but I am having the same problem as well.


The bug is rare, only happens outside, and only affects one cell. Quick saving and quick loading fixes the character / NPC bouncing, but all the objects in the cell are still missing their collision boxes, respectively you just can walk through them.


Could this be a ugridstoload problem? (since I set it to 7)

Edited by Matrimelee
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Suggest you try exiting to the desktop and reloading. Reloading without leaving the game session does not reset the memory to the same initial state as in the save file. (This can be demonstrated by exploding a mine or tripping a trap; and checking both methods. Simply reloading without exiting will show the mine/trap is still tripped, while exiting first will restore it.)


No idea as to the cause of the original problem. You might compare your "load order" to that of the OP to find if you have anything in common. But the game is known to have memory leaks.



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Matrimelee, have you changed the ugridstoload during an existing save game or did you start a new game after making the change?


Oh s#*!!


For some reason the ugridstoload both in my Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs reset to 5 some days ago. No idea how this happened, but do you think that this could be the cultprit?

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It could be. Let the inis be for now and start a new game to check if you still encounter the problem. I would suggest to not change ugridstoload at all because it does more damage than good in my opinion. If you do want to use a higher value be aware that you won't be able to use your existing save game when you decide to go back to a lower value.

Edited by AusAllerWelt
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