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Creating a unique Frost esp help

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I'm trying to create a unique Frost with his own textures and mesh( which I already have) but have no clue how to create a working esp to show up in the game.
I'm very new at making mods and was wondering if this is possible to do for a newbie like me. I already have the Creatioon Kit and SSEEdit and can do very little editing there myself but that's it.
Can anyone help me or link me some guide, have trouble finding a good one on my own.



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A 'unique Frost' of what ?, a frost weapon, a frost visual effect, a frost enchantment, a frost projectile, a frost particle, a frost mesh, a frost sound fx, a frost...

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Maybe the OP is referring to the horse 'Frost', perhaps?


If you want a custom horse and have the models and textures, getting them into the game is the easy bit, if a bit tedious. I can tell you exactly how to do it. Here's one of Slof's excellent horses that I've just downloaded and put into my mod as a replacer for Gwilin, my player horse, who was originally just an ordinary looking Palomino. He can't officially go in just yet, though because I'm waiting for permission to use the asset. He may have to go back to being a 'she and looking like a standard palomino unless I can get the hang of editing the tail and mane textures!


Let me know if you need a guide for getting the horse into the game. I'm fairly sure this is what you're trying to do?




Edit: I now have permission to use this horse in my mod! I'm ...well,,, very, extremely pleased! He's lovely, isn't he? Download Slof's mod and get horses like this! (He's also anatomically correct, nudge-nudge, wink-wink)

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I sent a PM explaining that I wanted to tell you how I do this on the forum, so that others can learn from it. Hope you don't mind that.


DarkFox127 does a great tutorial telling you how to get an animal follower into the game. The follower is called 'Clyde'. It's a cow. I love DF127's sense of humour. I think that will get you well on the way, however, with a horse, it's a bit more complicated. You have the meshes for the creature but you also have the 'Mane Tail' textures to deal with. They're not more complicated, but DF127 doesn't cover this bit.


Before you start anything in CK, clean your masters, using the guide on Nexus, if you haven't already done so.


Here's the guide... I'm only telling you how to get the horse into the game, not how to set up AI Data, stats, factions, keywords, spells, inventory, packages or ownership. If I did all that, I'd be writing a small novel. I've written this to be a guide for people who want a 'replacer', as well as what you want. Just follow the bits that are for a unique horse. The same thing applies to any unique animal.



Getting a custom horse into Skyrim.(if you have meshes and textures)


First, you need to decide if your horse is going to replace all of one type of vanilla horse or be a unique horse or a new race, separate to the vanilla horse race.

If it's to be unique, rename all your textures and meshes to have unique IDs relating to your mod. If you want a replacer name them in the exact same name as the vanilla horse that is to be replaced.


Where to put your files and what file structure to use.


Now make folders for your new textures and meshes.

Put your textures into Textures/actors/horse and your meshes into meshes/actors/horse/character assets


This is especially important for a 'replacer', or else the game won't use your textures. For a unique horse, I think you can put them wherever you want in Skyrim's Data\Textures folder, but it doesn't harm to get in the habit of using the game's structure. I do mine this way and it works, is all I'll say.


Now for the CK bit. First you need texture sets. Here's how to do it...


Open up CK and select to load Skyrim.esm (and any other ESMs you want to use in your mod. Only Skyrim is needed to get a horse in). First scroll down the object window about half-way until you see 'Texture Set'. Type 'horse' in the filter. You'll now see a few texture sets relating to horses. If you have textures for eyes, mane and tail as well as the main horse body texture you'll need to create a new texture set for each one. The easiest way to do this for a custom horse is to duplicate an existing texture set for each set of textures you need. For a replacer, skip this step. You'll be editing the vanilla files directly. For the main horse texture set, open the form and highlight each of the textures you need to change, then click the 'Edit' button and search for your texture. Choose it. Rename and OK for a custom horse. Just hit OK for a replacer.

Do the same for each other texture set you need.


As always in CK, save often! First time you hit save, you'll be prompted to give your esp a name. Give it a unique name, save and press on! After that, when you get sick, 'save and close'. have a coffeee/beer/wine etc and start again next day.


Armor Addon is next...


Again for a custom horse duplicate and rename an existing Armor Addon. For a replacer you're editing the vanilla form again. In the Biped Model box click Select. Navigate to your mesh if you have one and select it. Don't close it yet. You now need to add the alternate textures. The first in the list is your Eye texture set, the second is the Tail and Mane texture set and the last two are your Horse Texture set. Select all you need and hit OK, Hit OK again to save the main form.


The Armor form is next.


This one's easy!


Again duplicate and rename for a custom horse. For a replacer you can skip this, you don't need to touch anything in the armor form. For your unique horse, simply delete the visible Armor Addon in the Models box and then Right-click and New. Find the Armor Addon you just made and select it.Click OK.


Last is your horse itself!


For a replacer, you don't need to do anything. For a custom horse, duplicate a horse and rename again. On the Traits tab, hit the pull-down for 'skin' and find the armor form you made. Select it. If you have a new race, do the same for the race. Tinker with the rest of the tabs to suit how you want you horse to be.


New Race.


There are several advantages to making a new race. You can control stamina and health recovery rates, starting health and stamina, add unique abilities and alter things like unarmed damage to set how effect your horse is when fighting enemies. To do it is simple. Duplicate the horse race and select 'HorseRace' for both the Morph Race and Armor Race. Using the 'HorseRace' for the armor race is not necessary if you're replacving the textures, but it does no harm. Then play with the rest of the stats to suit your need, add abilities etc.


Congrats! That's it. It seems complicated, but follow the steps, one at a time and it isn't so bad.


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