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Guilt even when bad?


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I generally don't feel guilty doing something bad, I just don't do it because its troublesome or unprofitable. I never blow up Megaton because that's one less pit stop for trading and resting, and I rarely enslave people because its so bloody difficult to not have your retarded slave attract the attention of something mean and die and force you to cough up a 100 caps for a new collar* because of said retardation (even if that doesn't happen, its an awful inconvenience to have to go all the way back to some utterly boring town just for 250 caps).


That said, most of my evil karma comes from eating people, killing regulators/random angry wastelanders, and stealing.


*If you can be so damned good that other slavers may try to kill you because Eulogy says they're not as good as you, why does Grouse only allow you only one bloody collar anyway?

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Generally, I don't slaughter everyone because they add to the atmosphere. In my latest save I've even left Paradise Falls alive even though I've built a slave city around the Lincoln Memorial (Combo of the completion of memorial quests and the RTS mod).


I steal everything I want though and have never felt guilty about theft. Generally speaking, I only kill people I shouldn't when I find them exceedingly annoying or exceedingly morally reprehensible. Its not that my charactor is necessarily good or evil, just very self centered and overbearing :P

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At first I felt kind of bad killing innocent people, but you get used to it...


Only downside is that the Wasteland gets so empty...


I play good characters more often, though. Kinda funny, actually... How you help poor Sticky in one game, and blow his brains out in another. Hehe.

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I've found this true with both Oblivion and Fallout 3. I didn't mind the thieves guild in Oblivion (as the point was to not kill people), but the Dark Brotherhood made me feel bad. Same with Fallout 3- siding with the Enclave, blowing up Megaton- it all makes me feel like a bad person :P . It's probably because of the scale of the games- your decisions effect gameplay as a whole.
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I never really feel guilty, per se. I kind of just feel like blowing up Megaton is a waste of all of the merchants and the potentially huge sum of money I could make from them.
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I had a conversation with a friend about how we played games and we both agreed that for us, playing as who we really are is best. The reason we have for doing it that way is that if we played out of true character, we'd always be asking ourselves what the person in the game would do. If we play as who we are in real life, we don't have to shift mental gears, we just "know" what we'd decide to do.


My character in the game tends to get a lot of good karma but he's no saint. If you remember Mad Max in the films, that's kind of who I am in real life. My choices in the game aren't too hard to make. Slavers? I shot every one of the dead on the spot in one of the most fun, pure run and gun FO3 experiences I had. One long, non stop shoot em up. And in the end? I felt very good about it.


The thing is, before I decide who to side with, I listen to both sides and then decide. The Pitt wasn't easy but I listened to each side and then left the baby girl with her folks, alive and well. Heck, I even take her Teddy Bears now and then.

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It's really hard for me to properly play as a 'Evil' character. My friends and pretty much everyone I know who plays F3 always plays as Evil or Neutral, but I usually stick to Good.


It's definetely good the Beth kept the F1/2 Karma system in, so we have the choice of being Good or Evil.

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I use to play evil characters in Warhammer or Dungeon and Dragons as a kid and/or young teenager. Kill entire family and cooking them up as mystery meat. Then sell the mystery meat to town folk nearby. Or go Nun fishing.


But, now I can't. I always a quiet, non-social neutral character (Very Hard to do in Fallout), or the savior of the wastelands.

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