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[LE] quest alias question

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If you want to make a very simple short quest that is started by reading a book, runs only once and only uses custom items with scripts added to them, and you do not want targets and those stupid arrows pointing the way, is there any point to using aliases? The quest goes, you read a book, you talk to someone, if you have enough money in your inventory, the money is removed and a key added, you go somewhere and enter a trigger box. The quest is done. I've been watching tutorials and I did the creationkit.com tutorial but it is making my head crazy. I've been stalled for a week, just can't get started.

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I mean, if you were using aliases, you wouldn't necessarily *need* to have custom scripts on the items themselves, which is useful if e.g. you don't want those scripts firing when the quest is no longer running. Personally pretty much every single thing you list off I'd put in as an alias just so that it's very clear to me, as I work through things, what I am working with and what their role is going to be. This is particularly true if I'm dealing with NPCs, since you may want to do things like override their AI packages, protect them, change their inventory, give them temporary scripts, etc.

Edited by foamyesque
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