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Oblivion XP problem.


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The question was never answered. What should I do? Would reinstalling the mod change anything? What about uninstalling the mod completely? Will I be forced to start at level one again?


Go to the Oblivion XP Update thread and ask there. It is actively supported by AndalayBay, and she is your best bet for an answer.

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The question was never answered. What should I do? Would reinstalling the mod change anything? What about uninstalling the mod completely? Will I be forced to start at level one again?


Go to the Oblivion XP Update thread and ask there. It is actively supported by AndalayBay, and she is your best bet for an answer.


AndalayBay is the expert since she wrote the updates to Oblivion XP. Nephenee13 is correct.


Do you have any .obse files in your save folder that are not from your quick save? The saves are in c:\users\your username\my documents\my games\Oblivion\Saves.

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Quicksave ... the worst thing you could do to your favourite character. I know. I was a quicksave junkie (those damned wispstalks ... worst harvest in the whole game ... I'd save before each attempt and quickload if I failed). My game got to the point where I couldn't round a corner or enter a new cell without crashing. So I'd quicksave every time my character blinked. Then I did some research. Found out quicksave was seriously flawed. Started using manual save (my name for the save using the Esc menu). Saved in a new slot each time.


Started out needing to save as often as I quicksaved, but I stayed true to my new course. Then one day I realized ... hey I haven't saved in like over an hour, hallelujah! That same character has well over 1300 hours playtime and only recently gave me trouble again (after loading a mod ... but I have since got another line of thought on the problem, not yet explored). My new guy is at 914 hours and never gives me any grief except when I get silly setting up marauder vs conjurer vs bandit wars using the console (and even then I need to get really silly). He's the poster child for console named saves ('save <YourSaveNameHere>' without the quotes or brackets, still never overwriting a save).


I still have autosave enabled. On those rare occasions I have a crash before my usual manual or console save cycle (every hour or hour and a half I save in a new slot) I'll sometimes load the autosave. Usually not, depends on my mood at the time and whether I'm wanting to redo that last hour or so. It's a rare thing, and doesn't seem to have any adverse consequences at the frequency it happens for me anyway (most of the time I decide it's time to stop playing for a while and come lurk around here).


So maybe I'm different, that one lone person on the planet who this works for ... or maybe I'm just like everyone else, only a little wiser from making a mistake. And the wispstalks? That's what they put 'player.additem 6251f 100' in the game for.

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The answer to your question about the autosave is if you have the .ess, .obse, and (if you're using it) the .pluggy file, for the autosave, then yes, it should work. Most mods don't use pluggy so if you don't have any you're probably ok. I think the only mod I've run across so far that uses pluggy is Redecorate. Edited by talveren
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Okay, it works, but now a new problem arises. Every time I bother to quicksave, my game always ends with my savegame being corrupted. Should I just not quicksave anymore?


Yeah. Do at least one manual save at the end of each session. I'd also recommend you use streamline for your quicksaves. It uses a configured number of slots for the quicksaves (maximum of 60, default of 15). I know you have streamline because of what we talked about when you were troubleshooting quarls.


These are my streamsave settings. Use at your own risk:






; [streamsave Settings] Streamsave configuration


set SLv.SaveTimer to 10 ; Autosave interval (in actual minutes)

set SLv.NumSaveSlots to 15 ; Number of save slots to use (Max: 60)


set SLv.DuringCombat to 0 ; Allow save during combat?

set SLv.WhileYielding to 0 ; Allow save while yielding?

set SLv.DangerousArea to 0 ; Allow save in dangerous environment?

set SLv.AllowTrespass to 0 ; Allow saving while trespassing?

set SLv.AllowSwimming to 0 ; Allow saving while swimming?

set SLv.AllowSneaking to 0 ; Allow saving while sneaking?

set SLv.AllowWeapon to 0 ; Allow saving while weapon out?


set SLv.AfterCombat to 0 ; Force a save after each combat ends?

set SLv.InteriorOnly to 0 ; Save only when indoors?

set SLv.WhenIdleOnly to 0 ; Save only when character is idle?

set SLv.AfterZone to 1 ; Save after fast-travel or door use?

set SLv.AfterWaitSleep to 1 ; Save after waiting or sleeping?


set SLv.PlaySoundOnSave to 0 ; Play a sound on save?

set SLv.GagAutoSaves to 0 ; Prevent an on-screen save message?

set SLv.SaveReminders to 0 ; Use Save Reminders instead of autosaves?

set SLv.UseLiteReminders to 0 ; Use messages (upper left area of screen)

; instead of message boxes?

; Note: requires SaveReminders enabled

set SLv.SecureAutoSaves to 0 ; Use menumode to produce a secure

; autosave instead of using save slots?

; Note: disables multiple save slots!


set SLv.LowHealth to 0 ; Allow save while health low?

set SLv.LowHealthThreshold to 0.20 ; Don't save when health lower than x%

; 0.20 = 20%


set SLv.SaveBeforeFastQuit to 0 ; Do a Streamsave before a Fast-Quit?


set SLv.PurgeBeforeSave to 1 ; Do a purge before a Streamsave?

; Can help with stability of saving





In the Oblivion.ini you'd disable quicksave as there's no point in using two. The changes you need to make to the Oblivion.ini file are documented in the streamline files in Oblivion\Data\streamline\4-Quik Config.txt

and Oblivion\Data\streamline\3-Configuration.txt

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Okay, it works, but now a new problem arises. Every time I bother to quicksave, my game always ends with my savegame being corrupted. Should I just not quicksave anymore?


Yeah. Do at least one manual save at the end of each session. I'd also recommend you use streamline for your quicksaves. It uses a configured number of slots for the quicksaves (maximum of 60, default of 15). I know you have streamline because of what we talked about when you were troubleshooting quarls.


These are my streamsave settings. Use at your own risk:






; [streamsave Settings] Streamsave configuration


set SLv.SaveTimer to 10 ; Autosave interval (in actual minutes)

set SLv.NumSaveSlots to 15 ; Number of save slots to use (Max: 60)


set SLv.DuringCombat to 0 ; Allow save during combat?

set SLv.WhileYielding to 0 ; Allow save while yielding?

set SLv.DangerousArea to 0 ; Allow save in dangerous environment?

set SLv.AllowTrespass to 0 ; Allow saving while trespassing?

set SLv.AllowSwimming to 0 ; Allow saving while swimming?

set SLv.AllowSneaking to 0 ; Allow saving while sneaking?

set SLv.AllowWeapon to 0 ; Allow saving while weapon out?


set SLv.AfterCombat to 0 ; Force a save after each combat ends?

set SLv.InteriorOnly to 0 ; Save only when indoors?

set SLv.WhenIdleOnly to 0 ; Save only when character is idle?

set SLv.AfterZone to 1 ; Save after fast-travel or door use?

set SLv.AfterWaitSleep to 1 ; Save after waiting or sleeping?


set SLv.PlaySoundOnSave to 0 ; Play a sound on save?

set SLv.GagAutoSaves to 0 ; Prevent an on-screen save message?

set SLv.SaveReminders to 0 ; Use Save Reminders instead of autosaves?

set SLv.UseLiteReminders to 0 ; Use messages (upper left area of screen)

; instead of message boxes?

; Note: requires SaveReminders enabled

set SLv.SecureAutoSaves to 0 ; Use menumode to produce a secure

; autosave instead of using save slots?

; Note: disables multiple save slots!


set SLv.LowHealth to 0 ; Allow save while health low?

set SLv.LowHealthThreshold to 0.20 ; Don't save when health lower than x%

; 0.20 = 20%


set SLv.SaveBeforeFastQuit to 0 ; Do a Streamsave before a Fast-Quit?


set SLv.PurgeBeforeSave to 1 ; Do a purge before a Streamsave?

; Can help with stability of saving





In the Oblivion.ini you'd disable quicksave as there's no point in using two. The changes you need to make to the Oblivion.ini file are documented in the streamline files in Oblivion\Data\streamline\4-Quik Config.txt

and Oblivion\Data\streamline\3-Configuration.txt


How do you quicksave via Streamline?

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