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Mod can be updated (but it hasn't changed and can't be updated) 1.2.20/19


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Update: you can fix this without reinstalling mods:

- Wait at least one hour after you did your last "check for updates"

- Click the little arrow down to the right of "Check for Updates" and in the menu that opens click "Check for Updates (Full)"


This check will take longer than the usual update check but it should clear out the incorrect cached data.

If you accidentally clicked the big update button or "Check for Updates (Optimized)" you have to wait for another hour. This wait is because Vortex won't check any mod more than once per hour to avoid using up the limited number of api requests you can make.

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This completely fixed the update available false positives for me. Thanks a ton!


Here is a side issue, possibly related. If not, I'll start another thread.


While the false positives were still present I noticed that several mods were displaying the drop down menu under Version, as if I had reinstalled the mod with a variant. When I checked the drop down menu, all of the variants listed had the exact same version (title), i.e. 2.1.1 (). Depending on the mod, I saw as many as four variants showing. So I removed all but the first one on the list for each mod, but did not delete the archive. After the fact, I realized that what had happened is that these were mods installed that had a patch or add-on from the same mod page with the same version number. Vortex had somehow listed them as a variant version under the same mod. By removing the variants I removed the patches or add-ons and shot myself in the foot.


An example is TP Followers https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18668?tab=files I have the individual files installed, not the AIO. There are two MAIN files, Human and Elven, and each has a corresponding body file. What I observed was a variant supposedly installed for each of the main files, and removing the variants for the main files uninstalled the corresponding body files.


This may be water under the bridge, since I have already manually cleared the excess variants and the API issue is a thing of the past. Using Check For Updates (Full) did not reproduce the problem. But just in case someone needs to know...

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If you get a reproducible case - open a bug report on that one.

I have seen the case of multiple Variant 1s in the dropdown, and inadvertently deleted the mod by deleting the extras.

Unfortunately, by the time I looked into it - it was not reproducible.

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