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missing equipment


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Does anyone know any mods that entirely replace what the original armor and knights of the nine, I don't know why but they seem to turn my character invisible. For example the legion armor doesn't have boots or gloves, glass doesn't have boots, blades don't have boots or gloves, and the knights of the nine doesn't have a helmet or boots
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DrakeTheDragon or Hickory will know more about this than I, but I believe invisible is a sign of missing normal maps or something like that. Have you installed any replacer mods for those items? If so what form of archive invalidation are you using (the recommended is BSA Redirection)?
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This is almost certainly a case of incorrectly installed/uninstalled mod/s. It is, for example, a common problem when you incorrectly install OOO (only named for example), or install it and then uninstall another mod that alters the same meshes and/or textures -- OBMM does not role back previously installed data files like Wrye Bash, for example. Without knowing your complete mod list, and install/uninstall history, it's a difficult nut to crack from your meagre description.
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