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Dragonborn joke:


Player:Would you like to be steward of Tel Mithryn?

Glave(sp?): You mean leave Geldris, Raven Rock and everyone else behind? Sure why not!! let me just pack my stuff, wait nevermind I can get new stuff!! excuse me I'm off to my new job!

*Glave run out the door*

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Always love how on the very rare occasions that you come across East Empire Mercenaries, that they start fighting with one another. For example on the Japhets Folly quest you arrive on the ship and have to walk over to Adelaisa woman, you walk past some mercenaries looking over the side of the ship with the standard 'move along' greeting they give you and while doing the speech dialogue with Adelaisa you hear a ruckus and when finished the dialogue you see 2,3 or 4 mercenaries in mortal combat with each other
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I remembered another one: when you get that new drink from that guy in Raven Rock, he asks you to distribute it to various people. I ducked off around the corner and drank the whole lot, then returned to get resupplied. He said "I hope you're not just drinking it all yourself."
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Yes thats what I love about Elder Scroll games, you can make your own funny moments, Last time I did the Embassy Party quest, when Malborn asked me to give him items I simply couldn't live without, I gave him just 2 bottles of Black Briar Mead. Also the dialogue at the party has a few funny lines
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Another mission in the Dragonborn DLC requires you to fetch a lost family folio from a beached ship. This folio is very important to the family and it would be most appreciated if you would go and retrieve it.


The folio turns out to be a special edition of the Lusty Argonian Maid. I laughed heaps that this is the family's special folio. I also laughed heaps with the extra content within...

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Speaking of the Lusty Argonian Maid...


I was in a nordic ruin full of Rieklings. Got some distance in, putting arrows in the angry garden gnomes as I went, then stopped to look around for any interesting loot and found a pile of Lusty Argonian Maid books in one of the Riekling tents. A whole pile of them, both volumes, like some Riekling fetish library.

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