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Edit individual files issues


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Hi there! Editing individual files is a great and easy to handle feature. Once I change a default file the new mod is being shown without the default in brackets, indicating a manual change. Unfortunatelly after several Vortex updates all those non default files have become declared as default now, making it impossible for me to figure out which files were touched manually.

This is troublesome especially when updating mods as I have to define dependencies again and go back into individual files to change them, but due to mentioned problem I do not know any longer which ones to touch. Especially when it comes to mods that change hundreds of textures it becomes impossible. Another funny thing happens when I preview a file through Vortex as the previewed file will afterwards turn into the default file.

Maybe it is an easy to change thing and I hope someone will look into that. Thanks a lot!

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You are apparently using features I was not aware existed. Maybe someone can add some explanations:


What is this editing individual file feature? Are you referring to open in file manager?

What is a non default file being declared as default?

What is this default shown in brackets?

What is changing dependencies by going into a file to change them?

What is preview through Vortex? I was not aware of any such facility.


We are separated by a common language...

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What is preview through Vortex? I was not aware of any such facility.


Only three days ago did I become aware that Vortex has a preview capability for .nif files (and probably for .dds as well). I learned that in a thread dealing with problem preview files. Anyway, open a conflict box on your mods page. Click on the "conflicting file" notification. Then click on the "edit" button at the bottom of the conflicting file list. Voila! You are presented with files to preview along with a list of default files.


Most of the time I learn of new feature in Vortex only by reading forum posts. However, once I learned about the preview capability in Vortex, I decided that I didn't want to be late to the new features party. So now I'm snooping all around Vortex and am finding things I had no idea existed.




I'm sorry that I can't help you. Although I'm a long time user of Vortex, I'm embarrassed to say that I learned of preview files and default files only a few days ago. I've not yet worked enough with those features to be of assistance.

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The preview feature is actually fairly new and low tech (it pretty much just opens the files in whatever application you have associated with it) so it wasn't announced with much fanfare, it was mentioned in the changelog though (1.2.13).


Regarding the "Default" tag: By default, if multiple mods include the same file, which copy gets deployed to the game directory is determined by mod rules. If you have mod a load after mod b, all the files from mod a will show as "(Default)".

So if the Default tag is there that simply means the file order is in line with the mod order so there is no manual override.

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You are right about the default tag, unfortunatelly the way it should work is not the way it does work. It seems that the rule that defines which file is declared default is broken, or actually needs review as it changes depending on user action, like previewing a non default file, even though there are no changes in load order or such.


It is not a major issue, but this feature is highly underrated. I have around 8 major texture overhauls for Skyrim SE installed and deployed, each at least 2 GB in zip format. With this feature I can choose from 8 different mods which wood texture I want for my farmhouses, which wall texture I like for Whiterun etc. WITHOUT touching the load order and without commiting to one mod only!


And the preview feature is gorgeous in conjuction to choosing from these texture mods! I just love it, it turns me into a baby artist :)

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Again - thank you both. Some of us have no chance of helping if we don't understand the problem being described.


And on Tannin's note - users need to be made aware of the need to install the latest recommended programs for viewing DDS and NIF files.

And how to assign them as the default method for opening these file types.


I use Gimp for DDS, latest version 2.10.20

and NifScope for NIFs, latest version 2.0 Dev 7.


Others may have different / better choices.

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