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Mods needing wrongful updates


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I've got about 237 skyrim mods, and do regular checks on updates every few days
Usually it's about 4 or 5 mods, but this time it said i have 199 mods needing updates
I decided 'well, better get a start...' and went to do it

except... most of the mods don't need updates
things like Atlas Map Markers, which hasn't been updated since 2018, and i downloaded in 2019, yet apparently it now needs an update I can't get
the mods which i can update through Vortex instantly refuse, stating 'unknown download' and 'download failed'
there are 199 mods claiming they need updates that may not exist and I don't know how to fix it

i don't want to go through every single mod, uninstalling and reinstalling it, but idk what else to do
Is there some way to tell Vortex to stop telling me these mods need updates so i can check for which actually need updates or will i have to one-by-one uninstall and reinstall all 199?

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