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[LE] Adding an item to a particular chest while not having it duplicate when the chest respawns

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How about duplicating and renaming one of the base containers that does not respawn and adding the object to the base container's inventory? It should work like adding an unique item to a NPC merchant personal inventory. It will sell that item along with the the items it would normally sell but will not respawn it when the rest of it's inventory respawns.

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You can set the chest not to re-spawn; however, if your idea was to only keep one item of many in the chest to not re-spawn, then I don't know of a way to do that. Perhaps a script.

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One way if you want the chest to respawn normally. Have two chests one enabled with your item and another disabled. Put a script on the enabled chest that after the item is removed it will enable the other chest and disable itself. It will look as if there is only one chest. Might be a clunky method but it should work. Sort of like the scripting method for having two versions of a fire or candle. Lighted and unlighted that you can toggle.

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Add the chest to a quest alias, and then modify its inventory in that alias. This is how the game does things like Meridia's Beacon. The item(s) will remain in the chest, through resets, until removed, but will not respawn.

Edited by foamyesque
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Actually Items don't reappear in chests by default. If you add an Item to a chest in the Creation Kit it can only be taken from the chest one time. The reason you see items reappear is due to a list that sets a random chance items will appear. Or continue to appear the same item. This can all be set from whatever list or lists the chest is using. If you wish that the item is only there that one time don't use a list at all. Just place the item in the chest from the Creation Kit and leave it at that. Of course if you never remove the item it will continue to be there. If you are looking for a way to have it be there on first opening the chest and then not be after that whether you take it or not. It would be a very small script that checked on closing the chest if the item was still there then removes it. Or I just simply have it remove the item every time the chest is closed. It shouldn't error if it's not there and if it does use the first method and set up a check for the item and if then remove.


I have no clue from your description what you're trying to do. But if this chest is doing this by default and you didn't create the chest there is probably a reason. As that would be something you would purposely have to add to the chest with a list.

Edited by NexusComa2
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