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First Person or Third Person


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I played in 1st person for the first year, then in November I switched to 3rd person :P I still go into 1st when I'm using archery and need more precision, and very occasionally when sneaking (usually with my bow drawn), but otherwise I'm definitely a convert to 3rd person. Changing the camera via ini tweaks made a big difference, and I find 3rd infinitely more playable now as a result.
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First Person for combat and tight spaces but third person for walking around. Walking around in first person is very disorientating for some reason, must be the fov setting. Also third person lets me see more of the world and my character.
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I use third person when walking, traveling, or not requiring accuracy.


I use first person whenever I need accuracy. I barely notice the transition anymore, my mind just sorta meshes it all together into one experience.


The third person in this game is terrible, otherwise I'd always use third person.

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