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the Ultimate Load Order - STABLE AND PERFECT


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Cheers for the reply Spartan, i didn't realize the first two were in NVEC already, but as for GRA i done this on purpose as it's not the most compatible part of NVEC. That will be going soon. As for FO3 weapons i noticed a few aren't included with PN and FOOK so that's there until i create my own plugin with all the missing stuff, likewise with the patches, just to make things easier in FNVedit.


PPA on the other hand, i haven't ran into any trouble with it yet, in fact it was one of earlier mods i've been testing in game and seems to be running fine as i do love my Power Armors. Do you think it could break the game because it was released before the 1.4 patch? Should i be expecting corrupt saves? I've had a look in FNVedit for errors, UDRs and conflicts but seems fine so if you know something idk please post! Thanks a bunch!!

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ILO did NOT impress me. :pinch: Ran into broken portals a few times, disappearing rooms, and several broken Navmeshes. I ended up cutting it out.


They updated ILO about a week ago to 6.5 stable and it's working good for me so far, can't say i've used many companions as of yet in my testing nor noticed any NPCs going nuts. Mind you i'm still umming and arring about the actual interior lighting, on extreme setiings it's kinda dodgy and ILO seems to bring out the worst of it.


EDIT: @Xaranth - Just seen your little house mod there, I'm adding all new house mods and locational mods etc in my next set of mod installs so i'll give that a look :). Looks nice so i'll come back and leave my endorsement this afternoon.

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Funny thing about PH is that it's basically a lesser version of The Sink with a sorter added. Done entirely without my having any knowledge of The Sink (Which I don't expect anyone to believe, but still.)


Edit: I like to think my teleporter is better, though.

Edited by Xaranth
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Hey SMB92 hows it going? I had the same question as ncrvet, do you also have a great load order for FO3, I started playing it a lot more lately and I have a decent load going with minimal crashes but I'd love to see what you've cooked up, also it's good to hear you've had no problems with Powered Power Armor, I fell in love with that mod but I haven't been able to get it working with my current build :wallbash: , anyway keep up the good work I can't wait to see your finished product :thumbsup:
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Hey SMB92 hows it going? I had the same question as ncrvet, do you also have a great load order for FO3, I started playing it a lot more lately and I have a decent load going with minimal crashes but I'd love to see what you've cooked up, also it's good to hear you've had no problems with Powered Power Armor, I fell in love with that mod but I haven't been able to get it working with my current build :wallbash: , anyway keep up the good work I can't wait to see your finished product :thumbsup:


Going good, we had some big storms in the past week so a little slow. I don't have FO3 modded, just vanilla as i haven't been playing it but eventually i may support TOTW - Tale of Two Wastelands. But that will be while i'd say. I'll be posting an updated LO within the next 48 hours.


Also thanks to Spartan for pointing out FO3Weapons being included with FOOK and PN, i had a good look through the editor and found they actually are all incorporated. Will be removing in the next update.


And yes PPA will be staying, and @ OutKas post an LO if you can, PPA is probably getting badly overridden as it does, i needed to patch it heavily in my patch.

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Hey SMB92, thanks for the quick reply yesterday, I found out that my problem with PPA was a error in Ambient Temperatures, I found a fix and got it working, I was wondering if you had a load order for skyrim, I've been trying to pass the time before I get my Ni No Kuni game in the mail and FO3 isnt doing it for me.


P.S. Can't wait for that LO update :thumbsup:

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Only games i have an extreme LO for is NV and Oblivion sorry, I don't play much Skyrim, i'm one of those people that prefers Oblivion lol. But i will support FO3 eventually, either in ToTW or by itself, depends which will be easier, but i'd really like to have ToTW.


As for now the next update will come AFTER the update to NVEC is released, version 3.3DD which will now include EVE so it will be a little bit of work to get the LO sweet again, but not a whole great deal as there will be patches released with it for WMX and PN. On the other hand FOOK might have some problems, but i'll get around that if a patch isn't released.


For a quick update though - I've added several new home mods such as UHNV, HiVE, Tron Home, Project Pheonix, Goodsprings Armory (this mod is unavailable anywhere for some reason, had a copy of it from ages ago), Red Rock Ranch, Red Rock Canyon Revived, Hunters Lodge, Underwater Hideout, Jaysus underwater Hideout (yes it's different from the other one).


Then some other great mods too - The Inheritence, Hell on Earth, RobCo Certified, Beyond Boulder Dome, Angels park 2 (this one is a bit buggy but fun), Badlands, Rust Town, Enclave Commander, New Bison Steve.


Couple mods that won't be making my list that i considered recently: Goodsprings Tidy Home, Goodprings and Jacobstown Vaults, Area 51, Airship - all are either buggy or not supported and incomplete, or just plain conflicting and a matter of preference.


Adding TODAY: Coca Cola factory (needs some patching too), Cornucopia Grocery store and factory (2 separate mods that is), Visual drugs and Useable toilets lol. The last 2 i will be asking if they can be included with NVEC.


And that's all folks!! For now at least.

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