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FAllout 3 mods won't work.


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So, I've recently purchased Fallout 3 for the PC and have downloaded some mods for it, I already know how to install mods, for I own Oblivion, but for some reason whenever I check the Data File I wish to use, it wont apply it in-game, and if I click DATA FILES on the launcher after hitting OK and closing the window, none of my mods have a check next to their name, anyone know what's wrong?
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fallout data manager does that. its a known issue. download and try out FOMM (fallout mod manager).


Also if your trying to add stuff to the game, make sure u have archive invalidation file, and that in: my documents/my games/fallout 3/fallout3.ini the line where its says: "binvalidateolderfiles=0" says "binvalidateolderfiles=1"

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  • 5 years later...

I downloaded a few mods for Fallout 3 GOTY and now my game won't start. It just stops working for like a second after it starts up. This only happens with some mods and i really want these mods.

This also happens with Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas.

please someone help me.

Edited by Wowstar
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  • 5 months later...

I have this same issue as well, I've tried most of the solutions but they still won't work. I have all of the required master files and still they refuse to work.

[ ] CRAFT.esm
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm
[X] Fallout3.esm
[X] Anchorage.esm
[X] ThePitt.esm
[X] StreetLights.esm
[X] BrokenSteel.esm
[X] PointLookout.esm
[X] Zeta.esm
[ ] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
[ ] Project Beauty.esm
[ ] EVE.esm
[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm
[ ] CFWR.esm
[ ] CALIBR.esm
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Halftime.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional VATS Realtime.esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp
[ ] FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp
[ ] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp
[ ] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp
[ ] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp
[ ] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp
[ ] Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp
[ ] Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp
[ ] Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp
[ ] EVE - FWE Master Release.esp
[ ] EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp
[ ] EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp
[ ] EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp
[ ] CALIBRxMerchant.esp
[ ] RH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.esp
[ ] Fellout-Full.esp
[ ] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
[X] UndergroundHideout.esp
[ ] Fellout-Anchorage.esp
[ ] Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp
[ ] Fellout-pipboylight.esp
[ ] Fellout-PointLookout.esp
[ ] Fellout-Zeta.esp
[ ] Player Animations - Stimpak (5s, restore crippled).esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
[ ] CFWR_EVE_LoadLast.esp

The only one that actually works is the Street Lights mod. Literally, just that one.

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