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Modded Oblivion - EXTREMELY SLOW FPS


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The CPU still plays a part in displaying stuff to the screen, and in your case it's below optimum before overclocking (and remember for the most part outside of some Havok tweaks Oblivion has no idea what to do with multiple cores or CPUs).
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I'm not familiar enough with newer hardware to say for sure (my most recent CPU is an E8600 @ 3.33 GHz for LGA775 motherboards). It will depend on how the Turbo Boost kicks in (in other words what triggers the increase in speed). If it's CPU load (which I would guess is likely) then your GPU could be sitting waiting on the CPU (I doubt that the GPU could pre-emptively force the CPU to a higher clock state).


Did you notice my edit about the A-Bomb idea?

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I see I'm falling behind on keeping up with edits ... hehe.


The console command 'tlb' and the Oblivion.ini setting 'bFullBrightLighting' both do the same thing ... change a global lighting method to one that is less strenuous for underpowered graphics systems (such as those found in most laptops).


A new game will eliminate the A-Bomb possibility. Keep in mind that until you exit the tutorial sewers the game isn't really taxing your system. The Market District during the busier parts of the day is a good spot for testing with plenty of NPCs around ... you'll need to decide on appropriately taxing places for some of the other mods (texture paks etc.).

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Do you notice much hard drive activity associated with the slowdowns (usually that is more associated with stuttering, but I had to ask)?


- Edit - A bit closer look at your specs and I see you're on a laptop. They tend to be optimized for battery life in their performance settings. If you are using it plugged into power then you should look at setting up a profile to go full bore performance while plugged in. Also note that running a laptop plugged in with the battery installed and leaving it plugged in for long periods will shorten the lifespan of Lithium Ion batteries greatly.

Edited by Striker879
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Take it from one who learned the lesson the hard way, remove your battery while using the laptop plugged in. Sounds like you are in for a long test session determining what mods you can run and which ones bring your machine to it's knees. As a suggestion, I use Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM to handle multiple characters with different mods in each. You could use MOM to create a testing profile and then use Bben46's Revert to vanilla data on your testing profile. Re-install mods you suspect might cause your slowdown on the testing profile. If individually you don't get a slowdown then you'll know you're looking for a combination of mods that your machine is having trouble with, otherwise you may find the one or two mods that are at fault. Then all you need to do is uninstall those mods in your primary profile.
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Note that the M versions of GPUs are nowhere near as powerful as their desktop counterparts. For instance, if you are using Qarl's texture pack, it's better to get the Redimized Reduced texture mod instead of the original pack. You might also try the reduced grass mod as grass also has a major impact on performance when outdoors. SpeedTree, however, you can't do much about; that itself tends to be the major culprit on the game's load.


Also, Oblivion is known to not be very thread optimized, thanks to it being released right before dual- and quad-core processors came to home computers. It's going to be slow unless you're willing to settle with Medium or Low graphics so you can get 60FPS while outside.

Edited by ziitch
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