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Has anyone thought of adding/restoring cut in-game content ?


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As far as I know, your thread doesn't actually involve restoring cut content.

What is the Moot for the New High King or High Queen then :happy:


I don't recall seeing it as "cut content" in any of the lists that contain cut content.

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it is not related to cut-content, and very "save game-breaker". so, thanks, but no thanks.
shadowjin, i think that most of people would agree with us. :)

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I know there are Mods that makes Winterhold more Ruined or makes it into a City, but is there a Project or a Script in a Mod for after you Win the War as an Imperial that the New Jarl Rebuilds Winterhold, because if you win the War on the Stormcloak Side, the same Jarl isent going to care about his City, because he will just sit and Complain about the Mages being Responsible, hence, there could be a Mod to find out the Cause of the Sea of Ghosts so the same Jarl can stop blaming the Mages and actually Rebuild his City..

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Restored content could seem pretty cool, but it doesn't seem like all of it could likely get back into the game as originally intended. I recently used a restored content mod for KOTOR 2, which definitely added a lot back into the game. However, how much of this 'cut content' is actually still present in game files? The modding community seems large enough that they could just continue with their own projects.


I don't mean to be antagonistic here, because a lot of these ideas are really good; sometimes, though, content might be cut for a reason. Now, also being a Skyrim owner on PS3, I can say that Bethesda certainly doesn't release a completely finished product, but in a series like TES with the developed lore, they might have ran into inconsistencies with lore or characters.


Of course, some stuff would be great to have back in; especially if there is cut dialogue for more radiant quests, or stuff like the pit fighter faction in Windhelm that has no reason to not be in the game. My main point is, the modding community (for the most part) is doing good things with adding stuff; some stuff can definitely be added back in or restored, but the community only needs guidelines before something good comes out of it. These are still good ideas to take on though.

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