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The qualities of a Companion


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Ooo! I personally hope it can be a ghoul. @o@

My favorite thing about companions is their idle little thoughts. When they say something "observant" about the area you're exploring. Or the enemies you're fighting.

And i think it would be so awesome if you could make the companion not engage in combat. I wouldn't mind having a companion that just runs and cowers behind cover when fighting starts. At the very least it'd be nice to have a companion not start fights on your behalf.


I think it'd be awesome if there was a companion that pointed out Collectibles. That did the "What's in here..." thing that companions do sometimes (when you're near a container), and let you know there was a magazine, bobblehead, key or password, etc there. That'd be truly unique.


If it had that kind of special ability - it'd be cool if their personality was nerdy. xP

That'd kinda work out with a ghoul character, too. Like, i'm sure they were around back when the collectibles were made right?

Edited by LucidLady
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Lots of dialogue. Saying stuff to the player, commenting on the location, weather, fighting and quests. In the game Skyrim, there are literally thousands of follower mods and only about a dozen advanced companion mods. The majority are like walking mannequins. In Skyrim, the most advanced companion is Vilja. In Fallout 4 it would be Heather Casdin. The best companion mods work on their own framework, so that they do not occupy a normal companion slot.


If it is to be a female companion, just a normal breast size.

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LOL I hear you, If I decide to make a female then I'll make the breast size normal xD As for commenting on locations and ambiance, there will be a lot of it as it will have a voice actor. I want to make this companion like the vanilla ones, but with waaaaay more dialogue. It will be compatible with the Unlimited Companion Framework and I will try to make it not take up a companion slot. As for a ghoul, I don't know, however I will make one in the future provided I find the right voice actor. What I really also want to know is the personality regarding personal story. Do you want someone with a sad sobby story like the rest of the companions, focus on your story with your son and husband or just rebelish, nerdy, a bit of everything. I would love to know your thoughts on this. It is a huge project so opinions matter! :) Edited by SJTheFire
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Yeah let the boob size be normal. I mean we've gotta maintain some niveau here :D
Backstory and dialogue is great (See "Ellen, Buttons, Heather Casdin") but it's also hard to achieve.

Unique abilities are important too if you can do that.


That's why I use Cait even though I don't care for her, as she is my lockpicking skill with legs.


If you need a template, maybe some kind of hippiesque, laid back person.

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Most important factor is also the rarest and most difficult to implement: imbuing the character with personality.


It's hard but I know it can be done because there were several for Skyrim that managed it. Viljia, Recorder, M'rissey, Rigmor - all had distinct personalities. In FO4, Darlene and Heather Casdin do that well, and Cait among the vanilla companions.


You are on the right track putting an emphasis on dialog. Dialog that changes with affinity, dialog that affects how a quest plays out, dialog that reveals something about the character and her (of course, we all want a "her") backstory. Humor is good. Snarky comments are good. Have the character react to receiving items (see Heather and noodles). And don't forget the suggestive morning wake-up comments when you have the Lover's Embrace perk (see Cait).


Tip #1: have someone else vet the dialog for grammar and spelling. A third party will catch mistakes that you've looked right at and not noticed.


Tip #2: pay attention to the technical side of recording dialog, e.g. setting appropriate levels, using compression and EQ. A laptop microphone is unacceptable. Recording in an empty, untreated room with excessive "room sound" will destroy an otherwise-acceptable performance.



Second most important is a satisfying quest. We like quests that let us play the noble knight, getting revenge for our companion, rescuing her from slavery, fighting off thugs, helping her realize a personal goal. Make sure the dialog conveys her gratitude, perhaps via random comments that refer back to the quest after it's completed.



NOT important: enormous boobs, overpowered weapons, impervious bikini "armor".

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Personality is the absolute most important part. Don't try to be "a bit of everything" in that department. Pick a mood and stick with it. Otherwise they'll just be one big blah.

It's ok to be simple with the personality. You don't have to cover all the bases.


Also, throw in their senses. Have them make comments about the smell or brightness or temperature of a location every now and then. Make them comment on the weather.

Helps with muh immersion, and makes them seem more real.


As for happy or sad - everyone loves drama. A companion with no conflict is boring. And annoying. In my opinion...

It doesn't have to be a grand story. Maybe they just have one big regret, and traveling with you helps them get over it or change.

If you can't think of anything - look at some of people's favorite non-companion characters in the game and augment their stories. >_> *ahem*


I think some great personalities that i'd personally love to see companion-ised are Glory, Arlen Glass, Clem, Keith Dawkins, Parker Quinn, Magnolia.

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