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Looking for a good MMO


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So, my time in Guild Wars has come to an end, with the game being so soloable, the drive to group is nill, and as a result the server I'm on has become a completely dead, barren and empty place, chat sitting empty for hours on end and with no guild, I feel no drive to keep playing, and so I find myself moving on. Im looking for a modern(within the last 5 years) MMO, must have either no or non-mandatory PVP, be mainly or at least partially PVE, and be prefferably non-subscription based.


The shortlist: Star Wars: Old Republic(return to) A game in bad shape but one which as alteast good when I first played it. I own the game and thus get full benefits. STO: Only played for half an hour but was highly impressed by the starship combat. Excellent ship gameplay dynamics appeal, but I know nothing else about it.


The dead list(games that the suggestion of will be completely ignored, don't bother suggesting them) Guild Wars 2(Completely dead community on my server, server transfer no longer possible) LOTRO(Absolute disaster of a game, with the worst microtransaction system since TF2) Anything Korean or Chinese(I don't enjoy this style of MMO. The emphasis on porn and microtransactions does not appeal) Age Of Conan(Famous for all the wrong reasons, worst community of any game I've ever seen) TERA(Political reasons) WOW(well why would you?)

Edited by Vindekarr
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So, my time in Guild Wars has come to an end, with the game being so soloable, the drive to group is nill, and as a result the server I'm on has become a completely dead, barren and empty place, chat sitting empty for hours on end and with no guild, I feel no drive to keep playing, and so I find myself moving on.


oh thats too bad to hear that about GW2. i personally havent played in at least 2 months, but ive been wanting to go back. i hope my server isnt dead (though if it is, ill switch) one of the things i have ADD doing is those daily objectives, and if there is no one to do the World Events with, id find myself losing interest. im only level 50 too so i still have a ways to go.


anyone still playing that can comment on if the game is dieing?

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Free transfer are now closed, but they still do paid transfers so you can always go to tier 1 servers and WvW? just a suggestion tho...and if you want to play a new MMO you should try your luck at the ESO beta test if you havent applied for one yet.http://signup.elderscrollsonline.com/


@hoof Game isn't dead just came out of a 5 hour shift with my guild in SOS BL with 70 of my guildies and a few hundred people on my server so yeah game is pretty much alive on my server. can't say the same for the TS tho.

Edited by spets21
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The game on the whole is actually very healthy, there's some massive improvements coming soon, player numbers are huge and the community is very healthy, but god I hate Yak's Bend. They said it had the nciest community and so I went, but it turns out it's also the laziest, most boring one. I WILL transfer eventually, but it costs a helluva lot of G. ESO doesn't really feature on my list. It sounds too much like it's a WoW clone selling itself by being badged as ES and using an ES-theme. Im sure that's enough for a lot of people, but it's not enough for me. Edited by Vindekarr
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I had an absolutely depressing experience in GWII today which very nearly ruined any faith I had left in the game. I got kicked out of a dungeon group on the very last boss because the Korean guild I was running with intended to use a bannable exploit I refused to be party to. Cost me about 90 silver in lost profit up-front, but unluckily for them I take a screeny of every PT for posterity should this happen, and they commited two perma-ban offenses right in front of the proverbial camera. All the more reason I want to leave though.
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Vinderkarr you might like Path of Exile, its free to play. Its an ARPG.


But my personal opinion, the game is a solid ARPG, with a good character development system and game play, but the community for the game is terrible. The same issues I got with League of Legends, I got with PoE. Game has the potential to be fun, but is destroyed by the community. But to be fair I don't enjoy random communities in a lot of game. PoE is not the worst, but definitely one of the worst.


Honestly I was surprised how much they've improved Diablo 3 recently, and I decided to go back to it. IMO Diablo 3 right now is in a far better state than PoE is. I can simply ignore the community of D3, and do trading via the auction house with no interaction, and if a community is bad, which D3's community is, I'd rather things be like that.

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If you're interested in coming back, Fire and Ice: Prelude is up. It's a 1.1G update with a lot of changes to everything from PVE, PVP, classes and dungeons and they reduced the number of undead in Orr (yay!).

I got lucky and got into Sea of Sorrows early, joined LEM 'Lumeria', a mostly US based guild and most of the members are nice and very helpful. Here's some tips to enjoying the game better:

a) Don't power level- If it's you're 1st character, try to explore every inch of the map (like what you would do in ES or Fallout 3/NV)


b) Try to find a group- like what Vin said, you can solo majority of the world. But there are areas and events better suited for parties of 2 or more. Also something I recently learned, in dynamic events where there's almost an infinite amount of mobs coming at you, in a party you will get insane amounts of loot compared to soloing in a zerg.


c) Don't let the negative stuff get to you- or don't visit the official forums (very depressing to read complaints from a tiny but very loud part of the community).

Sure you'll get 50/50 good and bad experience with groups, I've seen and heard profanities, racism and all around douchebaggery in chat and team speak ("This is why I don't like asians..." is not easy to absorb and ignore). And yes, I have been guilty of being an A-Hole in multiplayer games in the past.

The trick is to learn from it and not let crap others do and say dictate how you should enjoy the game, but do it in a respective manner.


d) rest- you will get burned out at one point so drop it, the game has no subscriptions. You can come back months later if you like.

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