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SKSE64 Update Issues


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So SKSE got an update, and I was prompted to update about this time yesterday (about 10 pm AEST), and so I did, and all was OK...ish.... seemingly.... a few instability issues I put down to custom followers like Hoth, Aurlyn, Vilja and Sofia, not playing nicely with NFF, and NFF not playing so nicely with Amorous Adventures......because nexus of those seemed to be where I needed to handle things carefully.....


.....but this afternoon about 5 pm AEST I go to play before work, and I am met with an Update message, along the lines of SKSE needs a patch, and is not working, and as such my SkyUI is disabled, and then get one from NFF, telling me it's not working, my additionally follower slots, are 0, and I need to move NFF lower down my order (which I cant with out instantly crashing because it conflicts with something further down my load order).


So I go grab SKSE AGAIN, and manually install it, paying special care, and it is all installed correctly, it's perfect, I double check all the available tutes and vids on manually installing it... and I have not made any mistakes.......



......but I am again told the same thing when I log on after work a few hours ago.


I need help. I have no idea what to do, I NEED SKSE to work, as so much works off it, and I need my SkyUI as so much of my game depends on MCM menus. Where are these patches, where do I find them, do I need the patch to come from SKSE end, or from the other, from the differrent mods I have sides?


How do I get my game working?

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You'll need to wait for the mods to be updated so they work with the latest version of SKSE

For real? I'll have to wait for SkyUI to update? I am assuming NFF too, right? So what, like, EVERY mod that's dependent on SKSE is gonna be borked until someone makes their updates?

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