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Why do Enemies ALWAYS get to knockdown the player?


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This is a question for PC Oblivion, steam version if that matters.


Enemy weapon skills such as paralyze, disarm, and knockdown process at an insanely high rate compared to when the player tries to use these skills. The enemies use the knockdown attack frequently, and it seems to process on my character no less than 40% of the time, regardless of their luck or agility level.


Is there a mod that decreases the chance at which enemy weapon skills process? I like combat in Oblivion, but I hate sitting there stunned for 3+ seconds because the game feels like letting the enemy stun me for the 234875th time in a row.

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Well you'll need to ID the mod that's doing that to you then because the vanilla game Agility is what determines how successful enemies are at knocking you down ... i.e. player character high agility = low chance of knockdown, player character low agility = high chance of knockdown (the enemies agilty doesn't figure in the equation at all). Edited by Striker879
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If you're trying to block power attacks, don't. You'll want to dodge them, as they can penetrate your block, do damage, and stagger you. Only block normal attacks, and watch enemies' attack animations (or your third-person animations if you have no animation mods) to determine the differences between normal and power attacks.
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