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Star wars/gate mods


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Hopefully someone with some skillz will see this and make them.



Star wars info for mods: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

List of weapons: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_weapons

Star wars:

Blaster bolts (blue red green purple) that come in sizes from smallarms to turbolaser size, the alien blaster rounds just dont cut it.

Speeder bikes and pod racers, you cant beat high speed travel.

Blaster weapons (stormie carbine/rifle:e-11, Clone commando rifle with upgrades: dc-17m, Clone trooper rifle: dc-15(search this for all clone weapons), DC-15s side arm blaster, and several other blasters).

CLONE GUNSHIP TRANSPORT!!! Fully armed transport with ai beam turrets that can be turned off and on... EAT THIS VERTIBIRD SCUM!!!

Stormtrooper armor

Clone armor (ARC trooper, Commando, Episode 2 clone, episode 3 clone)

Mandalorian Armor (the armor jango fett wears with wrist rocket and flamethrower plus a backpack/jetpack)

Crashed Acclamator or ISD to find the stuff in and maybe use as a house.

Jedi and sith robes.

Shadowtrooper armor (Jedi knight 2: jedi outcast)

Darktrooper armor

Imperial/republic more compact pip boy replacement

Imerial officer uniform

Thermal Detonator

Personal Shields




Stargate info: http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Stargate_Wiki

P-90 submachine gun

Wraith stunner

Ronon Dex's pistol

Staff weapon

Goa'uld/Jaffa body armor


If you see something I missed be sure to post it.

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don't get me wrong, i love star wars, but seriously you'd be better off buying a star wars game :P. also 70% of your suggestions are currently un-makable.


I understand the vehicles and crashed ship but the weapons, projectiles and armor should be easily done by someone who is skilled enough, Oblivion had several stormie mods for example.

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E-11 Carbine


iron sights is a Scope,


base damage 150

effective range 300m

spread: none,

rate of fire = to assault rifle


projectile similar to assault rifles, except glowing red, effect on walls similar to assault rifle except for more smoke and some shrapnel that flies around, as well as black charring around the hole and a glowing portion in the middle that steams out, with smaller glowing and steaming bits around the main hole. the hole itself after cooling should resemble the hole made by an assault rifle only larger, about the size of a grapefruit give or take.


weapon counts largely as a projectile weapon, no shell casing ejection animation, but it does not disintegrate the target at all.


special animations and effects on the characters would likely be necessary, since blaster bolt wounds can resemble flamethrower wounds.


it would be also nice if a fold out stock was possible, so that it costs more action points to fire, but it's more accurate and has longer range, so 100m range with the stock folded in, and 300 with it out.


if at all possible, that since the effect of a shot can change based on the material it hits, so the marking on concrete is different from say wood or metal.

if it impacts a hard surface, like say concrete or metal it would be interesting if it was possible to make it cause a combined frag grenade detonation and a short flamethrower burst, to simulate the superheated steam/smoke which used to be concrete and has been vapourized, as well as the heated shrapnel flying in all directions, so even a near miss can do some serious damage.


Blasters can be nasty weapons.

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i understand what you want. But i honesly dont know why your not just playing a game closer to what you seem to want. For instance Jedi Academy, or Knights of the old republic.


I already have many star wars games and I've always wanted to have the feeling of being a marooned imperial trooper, clone, mandalorian, jedi, ect fighting to survive on earth and where beter than in the wastes.

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There is already a Star Wars Galaxies mod in the works (I think) which was started as an Oblivion mod but supposedly being converted to a Fallout 3 mod.


I plan to convert the Mandalorian Armor for Fallout 3 eventually but I have no ETA and have not started.


Storm Trooper armor was also done for Oblivion.


There are a couple of light / laser sabers already created for Fallout 3, just use the search for "saber" to find them.



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