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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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If the servers ever shut down I am going to start a riot!


I have made long term friends from this site and managed to recover from a very bad illness because of it!



Edited by sydney666
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I very much enjoy hearing about these kinds of things, to me they are far from boring. Its nice to know that people that aren't out to make a qucik buck are still out there but would rather provide a service for an ever-expanding community. I have been a member for a couple of years now, and even when I hit errors or database issues which is only occasionaly for me, it doesn't bother me too much. Keep up the good work! Edited by pathofvengance
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Shameless plug for the Nexus: Everyone, if you can afford it, become a subscriber.

I did it! The price range is simple and easy to understand and you get some nice perks.


1 month *£2.49 ($4.05 USD)

3 months *£6.99 ($11.38 USD)

6 months *£11.99 ($19.52 USD)

12 months *£19.99 ($32.55 USD)

Life-time membership *£39.99 ($65.11 USD)



Dark0ne didn't seem to be crying our for money-But in my view, if you truly enjoy the service. Pay for it. :)


(I paypal the funds and they convert it into British pounds for me... who knew the British still have such a strong currency).


Anyhow, my view and mine alone. No I wasn't paid via Dark0ne for this post! =P


*as of 1/29/2013

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This site has made modding a game easier for me and I really appreciate the amazing work that has gone into the nexus. Thank you nexus team for making this a site I come to nearly every day.


Also I want to blame this site for my developing modaholism ;)

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If more businesses ran like your site, with all the love, care and attention you give it. The world would be a far better place. Thank you for your sacrifice, your sincerity and your passion. There are too few people in the world who care as much as you do, and I think it's a real shame. If I had money to give, I would. If there is a way I can help, I will. So thank you once again, all of you, for your dedication. I know it means a lot to me, and hopefully it means just as much to everyone else.
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The Nexus sites are my internet home. The first thing I do everyday when I turn on my PC is come here to see what new mods have been added. Without them my life would be much less joyful. Unfortunately my family is having financial problems, otherwise I would have become a premium member a long time ago. We're hoping to get back on our feet soon, and as soon as we do one of the first things I'm going to do is become a premium member.


I can't thank you and the people that keep these sites going enough for what you do, and I hope you're able to accomplish all your goals without compromising your vision.

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