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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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Almost my entire life I have thought that paying for membership on a site is a waste of time and money. But that is not the case with the Nexus! Going to buy premium membership for life, when I am ready/have got the cash. =D


Every little bit helps doesn´t it?

Edited by Niborino9409
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Here I am racing to get my MBA, getting "Shareholder Interests" repeatedly crammed down throat, as if nobody in the whole school can possibly understand why anybody would doing anything except to make money.


And then there's this post - an absolute breath of fresh air! Not that I don't completely understand the real pressures that push great start-ups toward the corporate model, but it takes courage, vision, and dedication to stay away. And that's something I want to be part of. Thank you.

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Very informative post Dark0ne,

Despite my 4 year tenure as a nexus member I've never really perused much past the download links. On a whim I decided to read this post and was shocked to hear that this entire site is run by only 5 devs! With the quality of both this site and the NexusModManager I always assumed that more people and money were involved. Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate the time and effort you all have poured into this site. I'll be more mindful of the community activities from now on and be on the lookout for anything I can do to help improve this site and support the community it created. Couldn't imagine playing TES games without you all.


(Thus ends my gushing, you'll hear from me again in another 4 years lol)


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Boring??? It's not boring to me. What it is, is refreshing and humbling. I'm one of those obnoxious guys that, if I have a problem, I just sit back and think for a minute. The first question I ask myself is "Was this something I did?" It usually is and I take care of it. Frankly, IMO, this site runs better than the site whose name shall not be spoken aloud. I know you get this a lot, but I really, really appreciate the way this site is run. Too many times, in the modern world, people don't understand or appreciate standards, accountability, and especially, a focus on what matters to others. I do. I can't send you much, but if I have something you need, just ask. The answer may be no, but it won't be because I wouldn't if I had it.
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He doesn't just sit around all day watching stocks go up and down on his monitors and play DotA 2, he also plays Pirates, Vikings and Knights II. ;)



Great article, Rob! Not that I need a reminder of why the Nexus and your ideas are so great, but still; a good read!

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Listen, just do what you need to. I love this modding site more than anything and yes, the poor stability is annoying. But I can live with it. I know that even though it's annoying I can get the best mods and the easiest to use mod manager here and play Skyrim in a way that console uses consider switching platforms. If setting up those super-mega-special-servers is important then you should do so. We really appreciate all the work you do for us.
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