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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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dear all nexus programmers,

get a donate button! i would be more than happy to contribute to the best website on the whole interwebs.

on a side note im so fond of the nexus i may get the nmm symbol as a tattoo! (so dont change it pretty pretty please lol)

so...yea...shortest post ive ever made, well, it is 5.30am and i should be asleep, goodnight nexus and the community :)

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This is why i love this site that its user first not money first(which is perfectly understandable) but that you want to remain independent and answerable to only really the users is a rare thing to have and im sure most people understand perfectly when stuff breaks on this site considering the volume of traffic that would go through on a daily basis(even second by second) and will continue to support Nexus by being a subscriber(speaking of which need to renew it) and love to here that you're moving forward with server clustering Edited by Aerial_ace
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This is the first game site that I have actually joined and stayed for any length of time. The main reason being, the gamers, modders, and the programmers. Recently when I was having a lot of difficulty with my game, I sent an email to Steam Support - 1 month later I still had not heard from anyone at Steam. It was in fact two people on this site (Tikky & OldMansBeard) that took a massive amount of time out of their lives to help me with it and finally get the problem worked out. I have always found encouragement from members and staff alike and I will certainly stay with the site as long as it operates under this premise.


If you put up a donation button, I am sure there are many more people on the site that feel as I do about keeping the level of gaming where it is right now. I personally am more than happy to put up a donation or even some kind of a fee for the Premium usage I currently enjoy.


Great job, and I am looking forward to seeing where the site takes off to next.


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I researched best RPG of all time back in 2008, bought Morrowind a couple weeks later and played for a while with no mods. I got stuck and looked to wiki and found Nexus on there. Did a poor job of installing a bunch of mods, crashed my game and tried again. Looked into Oblivion some months later and never even played the game without OOO. Crashed the hell out of my game some more. I Have installed FCOM so many times I can not count. Fallout.. same story; 100's of mods, all the best and a few that you can't live without. I read all my news of Skyrim being released on Nexus. I have only ever cleaned my own mod and never have made my own to put back into what i take so much form- I became a lifetime member for $65 late last year and am sure it was not a waste. Thanks for the great site and fun hobby.
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I have only been here on the nexus sites since after Skyrim came out and I decided it was time to mod it up. Since then I have been visiting this site almost daily, even when I'm not giving any time to Skyrim... which usually only lasts a few weeks.


But, to get to the point, I must say that this is a fantastic site that has brought my gaming much joy and after reading this latest blog I guess it's time I became a premium member to show my appreciation.


Keep up the good work!

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I usually visit this site on a daily bases and sometimes when I try to DL nothing

happens,actually sit there thinking when are they going to fix this site.I have

never complained about the problems on your site and I'm glad I didn't after

reading the above statement,now I understand a lot more why the site has

problems.I don't think adding a donation button would be fair on everyone

because most people ignore them anyway or out of sheer guilt decide to donate.

It's nice to see more people finally becoming premium members,that's the sort

of thing that makes a site stronger..


Just a post on one problem I have for your information.

I use Opera and sometimes when DLing I get a blank screen that says (bad gateway)

I don't know if it's your fault or Opera.When that happens I switch to IE which most of

time I have success.I don't like using IE as it is too slow and my personnel belief

is still unsafe..


Thankyou for the above statement, you have clarified a lot of things.

Oh, by the way it wasn't that boring more educational if anything..

Edited by gunsynd
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