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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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Read it,appreciated the post and information in it.


Been a Nexus lover since I discovered it(not unlike discovering the Holy Grail on a personal level).


I'm more than happy to be a premium member and keep supporting Nexus,due purely to the fact that you've gone out of your way to create an entity and service NOT focused exclusively on making money,but rather on creating and fostering a community for us who benefit from all the effort and dedication on the part of the Nexus staff.


In short,thank you all and please don't stop doing what you're doing,because it makes Nexus the unique place it is.

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Send money to Nexus... but modders don't you DARE ask for a donation or you will be banned!!!


And before everyone gets pissed off, please note that I am a lifetime Premium member-- So I've already sent my money to Nexus... now I think it's time to figure out a way to reward the modders.


The fact of the matter is that good things take time to make good... hence Nexus. It would be extremely unrealistic to expect Dark One and/or his cronies to foot the bill for servers, midnight emergencies, etc... but that is exactly what the people who don't financially support Nexus expect. It is also EXACTLY what everyone expects from the modders themselves-- countless hours of drudgery and detail-checking to release a mod, and the only reward they get is, what, an average of 1 endorsement for every 20 downloads? And that's the numbers that a well-known modder like Chesko or Cabal get--- how many awesome mods are out there that you, as gamers, download and then never come back and courteously endorse?


Face it-- when Skyrim released, it had been done half-assed at best. Now thanks to Xenius and HothTrooper and all the legions of good modders out there the game is FINALLY a beautiful, fun-to-play game. Seriously, how many of us would still be playing if all we had was the vanilla game and the official DLCs? Not I.


So I write this for 2 reasons... by all means, support Nexus with a paid membership. But something needs to be done to support the modders as well. Whether that comes from Nexus or from mod users, something needs to be done.

Edited by KensaiTonada
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Thank you, Dark0ne, for the best modding site in the universe. I've been a Nexus fan since Oblivion. The mods available through the Nexus source have given each of my games new life over and over. Once I read your blog piece, I realized that I needed to do something more tangible to express my appreciation for the hard work and dedication of you and your staff. So today, to say "thank you," I became a premium member.
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Did read. Now that I feel like a smooch for using this great site and these great mods, it is time to go premium and go back and endorse all these mods that have made a good game great.


Big thanks to Dark One and his amazing team and all you great modders out there. Keep up the good work.

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You guys are doing greet work and have increased the enjoyment of my games multifold.

Besides that I don't think you should dismiss time spending on ad space so readily. Although your argument has merit try to look at it this way.

You want to run the best modding database/website. To improve that you need money. Spending a little more time on selling ads gets you closer to your secondary goal(achieving funds) so you can achieve your primary goal(the best mod site) easier and faster. We as stakeholders profit from that.

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