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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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I believe in you and your team have what it takes to make this site even better ( even though this site is ridiculously awesome already!). To be honest I have never had an issue with any nexus site or the NMM! So just know you have one happy user over here that can't wait to see where you take your site. Take your time, do it right the first time. Oh and I completely agree with this statement about finding private investors " To be frank, F’ that." :D


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Great job Dark0ne.. The Nexus is a place I check in at everyday. I could not conceive of a better site for our games. That being said, After reading your blog I think it is about time I stepped up to the plate and show my support to a site that has given me so much enjoyment and enrichment to my Fallout experience. I have been here since 2008 and I plan to be here for years to come. I hope you can get the cluster servers up and running this year. I am going to do my part with a one year membership. Keep up the awesome job you and your team are doing... KUDO'S Edited by titomars
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After reading this and giving it some thought I decided to become a member and support Nexus financially. For me, it boiled down to a simple question: If I had to pay for this, would I be willing to pay a few dollars a month for it? I didn't even have to think about the answer. A resounding yes.


You guys are doing great, keep doing what you're doing!

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Thank you for you continued effort Dark0ne. This is by far the best modding site ive ever used. You and your posse have done an outstanding job creating this site. I absolutely love it. If it came down to having to pay for service to use it I guess I would have to find a way to make it happen. Hence im poor lol. But the facts remain the same, I love it, endorse it and recommend it to all my friends.
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You've got my support. Ive more than earned my money that I payed for a lifetime membership. Id be more than happy to have a temporary reduction in mirrors or slightly slower performance until the new servers are up and running. I have seen sites where the owner started to earn a profit forget the reason they started to be popular and ruin themselves. You stick true to us and we will stick to you.
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