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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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The Nexus is to me, without a doubt, the best modding site over the internet. Even though it isn't just for modding, as it also includes other sections such as the Images and wiki and other assets. For people to share their work and their knowledge with one another is a virtue over the internet. In the not-too-distant future, hopefully i can afford to support the site by becoming a premium member. But for the present i wish the site developers good luck. Gems such as Nexus should stay standing.
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As many others have already said, thank you for all of the time, effort and money you and your team have put into the Nexus, making it one of the friendliest and most helpful communities I have ever been a part of.


Good luck with all of your future endeavors! :)

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If that happened then you would be on a string and hooked to these developers.


Do you think they would just give said funds without any strings attached ?


We as gamers would hope so but they are a business like any other game developer/publisher.

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It was tempting to get a Premium membership after reading that so I did.

I am now a Premium member for one month. I will re-new with one of the more cost efficient options(like 6 months) at some point once I am able to find a job.

Edited by GodofWolves
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"one super mega ridiculous traffic site (Skyrim)"


The minute I read that I started cracking up, yes Skyrim seems to have become a kind of crack cocaine for lots of us. What can we say the MOD community is the best around and this site is tops. I for one appreciate all the hard work your putting into it. Good luck on the implementation of the getting the cluster up its going to be some major pain but what a system you will have when your done.

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Don't apologize; it's pieces like this that make The Nexus a community rather than a file server. We like knowing there's an actual brain behind the place rather than some faceless entity wielding the banhammer. :wink: Thank you once again for everything you and your team do for us.
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Because this site is creative, I'd check out doing some crowd-sourcing? Maybe Kickstarter? That would secure your funds rather quickly I believe and would keep you free of investors and obligations. Yes, Kickstarter would take a percentage, but I think with all the users you have, 2 bucks from over 10,000 people would give you $20,000 you didn't have before and I don't think $19,000 take-home (AT LEAST). is all that bad.


Worth a try imo...

Edited by sniperdoc
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iv just read it all. i see the problems and i never really complain i usually just comeback later whenever. evin through i usually just click a random server. speed doesn't really bother me.


What i think should be done is when your on a download page there should be a button towards the to Which reads Report an error. and this button could get the exact server time. what server the person clicked and what Mod/anything they're downloading. then they can fill in their browser Or evin this button could catch their browser. don't cookies already do this. then fill anything else that needs to be done.


i suppose that would help a bit. most MMO games like all of the Artix entertainment games have this button on the Game window or just under.

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You guys are awesome. Even though I have no idea how servers work I did get a picture of what you guys are struggling with and I can only imagine the frustration when someone reports broken downloads. So far, from what I`ve seen in my 4 months or so on Nexus, the community is quite nice. Occasionally I run across ungrateful bastards but those are isolated cases.


Also I`m glad you wrote that part with all the questions you have to ask yourself when someone reports a bug because honestly I had no idea there are so many things to consider first. I guess it is a good thing I`ve had no bugs to report so far hehe. :D


Keep up the good work.


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