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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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well, I say you why I'm a premium member: this site is our site. This is the strenght of nexus. Like Muhammad Ali' said: "I, us". Thank you for this home. If the site go slow or go down, not problem, it's our site. Like FullMetal Pizza I understood a little bit of the post, but I understood that none of the investors can be boss in our home. Thank you.
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The reason why i love this side so much is the independency from a big company. It is a site for users made of content from users. I played Skyrim for just a month on the PC and tried the One-month-Premium-Membership. Just for seeing how it all works. Okay, there are some downtimes here and there. And they are annoying because I wanted a special download I saw on youtube so much and could not get it RIGHT NOW!


But honestly - lets face it: You'll not kicked out of the game, you want to play ( like on STEAM) when there's a problem. Its just a matter of patience. And some patience for that incredible content source wich makes my favourite game perfect. I'm willing to accept that. It's unbelievable, what is going on here.


So thank you for all the work you and your team done. And thank you for clear words on Nexus status. I'm pretty sure at least I'm going to lifetime membership. You guys are awsome, the whole modding community on Nexus is.

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I'm not very good in English, but I think i've understood the biggest part of this.


I'm here to thank you, and all the staff of The Nexus Sites, for all the hard-work and all the good job. I bought my premium account some months ago, and I plan to renew it again this year, just to show my support. (and because the premium servers are so fast near London *-* )


So, keep up the good work !

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I came across this yesterday and it may apply here...






It low cost servers, Facebook runs off of it and so does League of Legends, it may be what the Nexus needs?


I don't know, I am just putting it out there.


I love the Nexus sites and I would if could donate (I am poor).

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Been premium for a while now and like what's done here on the Nexus ! If we need some money for the servers, as a sniperdoc said, maybe a Kickstarter could help, and keep us free from investors.


Thanks again for all the good work for our community of gamers !

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I've been with you guys since Skyrim first came out. I built a gaming rig and ditched the consoles almost completely. You guys have made this experience awesome and opened a door do me I never knew existed. I greatly appreciate all your hard work. I'm looking to go premium very soon. It is a matter of money for me as well. Thank you again for everything you do. I have run into my share of problems with the site but from what I can tell modding is about patience. Certainly my days were never ruined over it. I think it is great you are planning to improve the site the way you are. You guys deserve a lot of credit. Thank you.
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