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Do you guys ever play Fallout like THIS?


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Noting also that nobody here has been saying "Heh! Stoopid Bethesda, they got it SO wrong!"


I am. I put no value in 'creative vision' whatsoever. Everything must be justified, and much logically precede, one thing to another.


As for the pristine car, there actually is a good lore argument for it. In 2077, you're dealing with a society that although a brutal and unfair caricature of the 50s, was dealing with Jetson's like technology. One cannot assume that they were building with materials we are familiar with. Plus, the whole notion of an unrustable, self repairing, made out of memory metal car that sustains itself like some non-demonic cousin of Christine, is possible to build today. WAY prohibitively expensive, but the proof of concept exits today.


Also, remember the society of the pre war era was building a final society: everything they made was designed to last forever. The Vaults were expected to function for 1000 years, without any contact from the outside world. Those inferior bunker systems in Hidden Valey were designed to function at full capacity for 700. The substandard construction of the Sierra Madre villa lasted better for 200 years in extremely toxic conditions than most current construction could last 20 in ideal conditions. The lousy, unreliable water chip MacGuffin of Fallout 1 ran nine decades. The T-51b has a pwoer source for 100 years of continuous full capacity use.


The pre war world had a design ethos of the eternal. It;s not an oversight that you can still find clothes in suitcases in the middle of nowhere. Those clothes are not made out of all natural cotton.

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