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Do you guys ever play Fallout like THIS?


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But that's simply not true, and if you need a quick look, Google Red Forrest 1987 and Red Forrest now. Chernobyl has provided a continuous highly radioactive meltdown for 20 years. Within months, life was reclaiming the dead zones.


Radiation from nuclear weapons is only dangerous for 14 days. Anything with high enough radioactivity to damage complex organisms has a mercifully brief half life. The most 'successful' long term radiological bomb is the 'Cobalt Bomb.' Theoretically it would be an area denial weapon that would make an area dangerously radioactive for all of five years before burning itself out. The British tired this type of bomb in 1950s Australia, and it was an utter failure. The burned out world is IMPOSSIBLE. You can kill every living thing that was alive in the Capital Wasteland in 2077, and what will happen is the region will burn into one of the greatest bonfires you've ever seen, sorta like those massive wildfires in the American Wast. You turn the state of Maryland into Kindling, it will burn with one careless match or the inevitable lightning strike. It is an ignorance of biology to think for one second you can wipe out green plants and have an ecosystem.


Look at the real science: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2215023/Is-polluted-place-Earth-The-Russian-lake-hour-beach-kill-you.html

Watch the video. This is as close to to the Capital Wasteland as one can actually get. But this took four decades and hundreds of tons of highly radioactive gunk being pulled in. It still is green, it kills you even as it looks pretty.


Let's be honest, even if there was a way to create a burned out world, and really there's not, a nuclear war could not do it. Not in the immediate, and certainly not in the long term. The entire concept of the burnt out world is against all observation, all reason, all science. It is a beloved trope that needs to die because it contains not an ounce of truth.

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charwo, on 02 May 2013 - 14:25, said:

Radiation from nuclear weapons is only dangerous for 14 days. Anything with high enough radioactivity to damage complex organisms has a mercifully brief half life.

Yes and no.

The longer the half life of an isotope, the less radiation it puts out per time unit.

So generally, yeah, by far the worst radiation is from short lived isotopes.


But there is a big exception -- isotopes of minerals found in the body.


Your system grabs it and sticks it next to vital organs, where even a tiny amount of slow radiation can be harmful because 1) distance is point blank 2) exposure time is long since it's not going anywhere soon


So long after those 14 days Cesium can give you liver cancer, strontium leukemia, iodine thyroid, etc..


But still it's not a scare story for those who relocate to such areas because those isotopes aren't just floating in the air (after the fallout settles anyway), most are quite heavy and will bind and settle where they aren't readily absorbed.

As long as they aren't churned up or somehow made airborne again, or especially in food growing soils... Food is the big part of the problem.

Mushrooms are particularly dangerous radiation concentrators, other foods too.

But people can adapt by learning which foods are the worst radiation concentrators, and take care to grow and forage in soils less contaminated.


But overall you are quite right.


Stanford Universitiy's long term projection of total extra deaths expected from Fukushima -- 130.


p.s. I love how these mods look in still pictures, but when I actually load them the trees blink in and out like crazy.

The mod author of BA Wasteland restoration says it's a game engine problem.

Edited by BenWah
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p.s. I love how these mods look in still pictures, but when I actually load them the trees blink in and out like crazy.

The mod author of BA Wasteland restoration says it's a game engine problem.

Mine don't do that, they did at first till I fixed it. as a side effect, I have to deal with a crash on exit, no big deal, I get hours of play time anyway. My game looks and feels real enough now I am working on making the ground appear wet when it rains. A ton of texture overwrites lays before me to effect that change, the whole game it seems. a lot of work but is doable.



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Been trying to replicate your set up but I seem to have run into a few snags. Mostly one or more of the mods is no longer in development.

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I've tried, but given I can't real a lock of anything not English, no luck. However, if you can read French, it may be out there.

That I can help you with, Google chromes browser has in it an auto language converter, you can set it up so on any page it lands on, it will auto convert the language to English. Just be cautious doing this, some web sites are not very nice with add's also , install ghostery to protect your surfing for the files. don't set chrome as the default browser either or you will get a ton of foreign languages bit's stored all over your system. use Firefox as default. these 2 work together. the desktop is ruled by Firefox, and your surfing can be controlled with goggles chrome. If you mess with Firefox in this way, you will mess up the desktop good. Practice, or use a dummy machine. you will see and find things thought not possible. stay off of Chinese sites. not cool.


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I have to deal with a crash on exit, no big deal

Get Fallout Stutter Remover, open up sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.ini and change bFastExit = 0 to bFastExit = 1. Ta-da, no more crash on exit. :happy:

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