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Can't purchase 1 month Premium


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I've attempted to sign up for a month of premium (been a few years since I've done much modding) and have run into the issue outlined in the sticky. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8359768-investigation-supporters-cannot-purchase-1-month-premium/

I noticed that investigation was opened back in January and closed back in April, yet the issue seems to still be occuring?



Have you ever been a Premium member before now?

Back in late 2015

If required, would you allow our team to directly access your account to further troubleshoot this issue? (You will be informed before we do anything)

Seems to be an excessive step?


Judging by the work around listed I can only assume this is an issue with the way your system flags members/previous members and handles resubscribtions vs new subscribers. I'm not entirely sure how letting someone access my account would assist with that in anyway, so I'm going to assume that's outdated information?


Work around seems to work (Shows up at least, haven't pulled the trigger), but the entire process of just trying to support your community is exceedingly cumbersome at the moment (At least if running into this issue) and since I can see it's been half a year since initially investigated but the issue seems to still remain, I figured it was worth mentioning.

My initial thought was that the one month membership doesn't work, but the more expensive ones do. I can only assume this is having an impact on the number of people willing to subscribe so figured it was worth bringing up. The cynic in me is hesitant to now pay with card details with the "Would you allow our team to log onto your account" statement.

Just some feedback, hopefully it assists!

Edited by beerscotch
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Hi beerscotch,


Thanks for the feedback. The thread is still pinned because the issue is ongoing. The simplest way I can explain it is the old (forum) system is not fully compatible with the new user system we introduced last year. Our devs are currently working on a ground-up rebuild of the membership system so it is better for us to focus our efforts there than try to fix the existing problem.

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