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Eyebrows disappearing when using SKSE


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So I was just happily playing the game and then suddenly, I HAVE NO FREAKING EYEBROWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am REALLY pissed off right now: Skyrim is almost tormenting me with endless trouble as of late, and now this...


Anyway, I tried disabling a few mods to see if it would fix it, but nothing worked. Then I tried running the game without SKSE and the eyebrows showed up. I ran it with SKSE, no eyebrows. Ran it again without SKSE, and they are back.


I have no idea why SKSE does this, but it only recently started happening to me (only today I think).


SKSE is up to date, and I also use the Brows mod.


Please help.


EDIT: I forgot to mention, it only happens to me (my character), all the NPCs have eyebrows.


EDIT2: Seems to only happen when I choose a blond hair colour.

Edited by billyro
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(NOT really a solution)


my eyebrows are acting as well every time i open the racemeny - i can never do the same look twice... i briefly tried other races (i am only using originaly the Temptress race) but they seem even more off.. what kind of worked for me was this:


1. disabled all mods that affect faces, kept only the Temtress race active


2. went to the racemenu, picked a preset and edited it to my liking (saved and never opened it again)


3. installed Brows - Normal Resolution and got this result:




(well, i am having a problem of my own here - can't make the lips shine........ let me know if you have a solution :) )



4. (optional) i then installed Coverwomen which messed up the brows but i kind of like them like that so i kept it. you can see a picture here

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The mods I have which affect characters are the following:


Windsong Skyrim Beauty Project 2 (with my own face textures on top)



More Hair Colours Updated

MacKom's Lore Friendly Hairstyles

Apachii Sky Hair



I have made a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash so the mods all work together. I don't see how these mods cause the eyebrows to disappear though.


Also, I found out that only my level 72 character has this problem; it seems the rest of my characters are unaffected.

And my level 72 keeps his eyebrows when choosing a dark hair colour, but looses then with a light colour (like blond). Really bizarre.

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The mods I have which affect characters are the following:


Windsong Skyrim Beauty Project 2 (with my own face textures on top)



More Hair Colours Updated

MacKom's Lore Friendly Hairstyles

Apachii Sky Hair



I have made a Bashed Patch with Wrye Bash so the mods all work together. I don't see how these mods cause the eyebrows to disappear though.


Also, I found out that only my level 72 character has this problem; it seems the rest of my characters are unaffected.

And my level 72 keeps his eyebrows when choosing a dark hair colour, but looses then with a light colour (like blond). Really bizarre.


I'm sorry m8, but are you trolling? You are using a mod called "Brows" and don't see how that could affect your character to be browless? Boggles the mind... o_O


Anyway... what probably happened was that you disabled some mods and screwed up others in the proccess by doing so (yes that can happen...). So my suggestion to fix your lvl 72 save game is: disable all mods, launch, save, quit, launch again, save again, quit and then start enabling mods. Also, do this proccess in a cell like a Player house. This however, can screw up your others saves, because each save is dependent on your load order. this is because the load order assigns the first 2 digits in the Form ID's. So, its not hard to imagine that if the save expects one Form ID that is no longer valid, cant guess what the correct one is. If you change the load order of your mods its enough to get things screwed from one save to another.

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Haha, no I'm not trolling. The very first thing I did was disable that mod and try again.


I've also heard that disabling all mods, saving and then reloading causes the save-games to corrupt. I don't want to risk that.

I know I could just duplicate my save and try it on that one, but truth be told I'd rather avoid it, since I have over 90 mods installed... disabling and renabling all those would be torture.

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for necro.


I was having the same problem - and I'm running over 100 mods. No problems with SKSE off, turn it on, eyebrows vanish. I went through and just disabled all of my SKSE mods and started turning them back on in groups.


In my case, it was EDialog (v13r1) causing it. I suspect it might be anything that uses SKSE to change facial animations though, so try looking for those. Dunno. Hope that helps.

Edited by squirrelshark
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