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are argonians reptiles or amphibians?


reptile or amphibian  

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  1. 1. are argonians reptiles or amphibians

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According to lore they're neither. But lore changes with each game... and I stopped caring after the second total redesign in the series ages ago.


I prefer my Argonians reptilian in anatomy and mod away their mammary glands as you call it (in my eyes they're laziness of the developers rather, one body for all races and all equipments, but doesn't matter) whereever I can.

But that's just me, and when I designed an Argonian mod I always aimed at catering to all tastes anyways.


But I'm not modding this game, nor am I intending to, or even playing it anymore, and as such this is a moot point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dinosaurs-like creatures. Also, they have tits, which means they can feed their infants with milk-like liquid (or game designers was so dumb that they added mammary glands to reptiles :turned: )


Imagine them feeding their young. Those teeth ...


If they evolved "normally", Nature woud never have done such a thing.

Edited by Cyrotek
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  • 3 months later...

Well because of their underwater breathing and gills, spines and fins in oblivion I figured they were amphibian. Then skyrim came and replaced the spines and fins with HORNS! which I thought was a bit of a weird redesign, which pointed more towards reptilian.


But after learning more I found out that the Hist (a race of intelligent, sentient trees in black marsh) actually created argonians. This is why the hist speaks to them (this is mentioned in the games from time to time). They feel what argonians feel and the argonians feel what the hist feels. It's said that the Hist trees created the argonians to experience the world for them (because they're trees...they can't move and stuff...). The trees have memories, and from these memories they created the first argonian.


So that's a little lore for you... When creating argonians I imagine the Hist took a little bit of everything to create a new race which suited their needs best. A little bit amphibian, reptile and mammal at the same time! A race to explore both the lands and seas beyond black marsh for them. They're nimble, don't get sick or poisoned and breathe underwater!


so there you have it... I think argonians are neither mammal, reptilian or amphibian. They're a little bit of everything, poured into something new.

Edited by EliesIndigne
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I get the impression that they are warmblooded, thus not reptiles. I suggest classifying them as intelligent, humanoid dinosaurs. It seem highly likely that dinosurs where indeed warmblooded, just as the today surviving dinosaurs, the birds, are. There are also some rare examples of egg laying mammals thou most such species are extinct now. Argonians can breathe in water as well as walk on dry land so they are indeed amphibian.

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