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Player controlled (fly-able) vertibird possible?

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Use Eyebot behavior and script in up/down control with F4SE to grab keyboard keys and call the anims with those same keys.


Essentially this, but with up/down control (and somehow work in banking, which goodness knows how) for a less-poor-poor-personâs flyable vert:


...but done better, lol (these were only tests). :P

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Use Eyebot behavior and script in up/down control with F4SE to grab keyboard keys and call the anims with those same keys.


Essentially this, but with up/down control (and somehow work in banking, which goodness knows how) for a less-poor-poor-personâs flyable vert:


...but done better, lol (these were only tests). :tongue:


The "grandmaster of driveable vehicles"!


The "thing" in those videos looks really f#ing cool!

I also wanted to use a "custom mesh" for the "aircraft", but I thought I will first try to get something "simple" like a vertibird to be "controlable" and then move on to making a custom thing (with "attach points" for the player to "sit in" and all of that ...)

Nothing as large as a vertibird, something more "compact", like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_47

I already have a 3D model for that lying around somewhere ....



Would it be easier to just start with a "custom mesh" and try to get that to be "flyable" or should I first try to get a "vanilla thing", like a vertibird, to be controlable?

(I have no experience in making "custom actor meshes" for FO4, I only ever made static meshes ..... and some doors :laugh:)

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The thing about the vanilla vertibird is the entire thing is scripted translations for actual movement.

Everything. The banking, turning, forward movement, it's all scripted translations for actual movement..



Translations? Like in the sense of "movement"?


Well, I would be happy if my (custom mesh or) vertibird could just move left right up down forwards depending on the keys (I guess that wouldn't be too hard. And I know it would look weird)

Nothing fancy.


So basically just a script that modifies the XYZ position based off of key presses (I can do that, pretty sure).


But how do I get the "player" to be "seated" in the pilot seat of the damm thing?

I guess some sort of keyword or attach point?

Because normally, when you "enter" a vertibird, the player gets behind the minigun.

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You got it before I edited it, heh...but yeah.

Anything I say in regards to it is probably suspect at this point, it's been a good 2 years since I really looked at the 'actual' vertibird.

Yeah, but you made some "custom mesh driveable stuff", right?


So how did you go about setting it all up with the attach points and all of that?

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