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How to reset settings ?


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When I uninstall and then reinstall Morrowind through Steam, all my keybinds and graphics options remains unchanged. (I disabled Steam Cloud beforehand)


How can I make a clean install of Morrowind ?

Edited by Tharukor
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Unfortunately, as far I can determine there is no way forwaard if you go via Steam. That system seems to keep all your settings for the game and loads them when you load the game.


However, there is another way, if you are using a retail version of Morrowind (such as the GOTY); providing it is NOT a Steam version, you should be able to load it as a conventional game, and put in your required key bindings and so on as you desire.


A word of caution though, follow the steps below before installing the game:


  1. Defragment your drive(s), this is especially important if you have not done so for a while.
  2. Run a good Anti-virus system.
  3. Re-boot the system and away you go.

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