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Strange Bug At Effigy Burning...


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After I spoke with Jorn, I went to the festival, but as I received my reward, I also noticed the notices: "Haalfingar Bounty Increased: 40" and then "Haalfingar Bounty Increased: 1000" and some kind of a fight broke out over by the meatpie vendor, so I ran to see what was going on. Everyone seemed to be attacking everyone, not least, the guards attacking ME when I had only just arrived on the scene, and was unarmed!


I reloaded.


This time, I got to the area a little early, spoke with Bendt and the spiced wine lady, then there was suddenly screaming and arrows flying, and again, the guards attacking me and accusing me of "crimes against Solitude"....


Reload. Left the college and HID, until I heard the fighting break out. waited til things quieted down, then carefully made my way through the vendors (Bendt now dead, with a girl child seemingly upset over his corpse,) to the place where the burning was to be- it then went off without a hitch (other than the conspicuous corpse over on the tiles,) and no bounty incurred.


I hate not knowing what that was about, or who killed Bendt! Anyone know or have this happen?

Edited by FathomsDeep
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