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How to connect things in blender?


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Using two different .nif files in blender is not the way to do it.


Open the teddy bear in NifSkope and the hat in another instance of NifSkope. RMC on the hat and in the dropdown menu place the cursor over "Block", in the dropdown menu, LMC "Copy Branch" or Ctrl + C.


Go to the teddy bear and RMC on "Scene Root". In the menu choose "Branch" LNC on "Paste Branch" or Ctrl + V.


Open the file menu and choose "Save As" and give the new .nif a unique name so you can find the file to open it in blender. Exit Nifskope. Open Blender and press the "a" key twice. This will highlight the cube, light and camera. Press "m" for move. A grid will open next to your cursor. Choose one of the blocks in the grid and LMC "OK". This will move the highlighted items. Now import your new .nif.


If the hat does not line up properly, RMC on it and choose "Edit Mode". The entire mesh of the hat should be highlighted. Using the arrows on the mesh, move the hat into the position of your choice. Return to "Object Mode" and press "Ctrl" and the left arrow key.


This will move the object to a new window with the parts listed down the left side. LMC on "Scene Root". This opens a list of the parts of the new mesh. If you have positioned the hat correctly, highlight both the hat and teddy bear by holding the "Shift' key down and RMC each part. Make sure the cursor is in the same window as the teddy bear and press Ctrl + J.

A dialog box will open asking if you want to join the two meshes. Choose "Yes". When they are joined, go back to the main Blender screen, press the "a" key twice and export your new mesh.

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CinnamonMods had another thread about this.


The issue isn't "joining" the meshes. The real issue here is that the teddy bear mesh has an armature with bones in it so that it can ragdoll, and the NCR beret is not parented to this armature.


You are going to need to import the NCR beret into Blender, remove its parenting to its armature, then save that somewhere. You can save it as a nif or an obj, doesn't matter, just save it as something that you can import later. If you save it as a nif, make sure that you delete the unused armature first once you have unparented the beret from it.


Then import the teddy bear, import the beret, edit the beret and move/rotate it so that it fits over the teddy bear's head, parent the beret to the teddy bear's armature, and weight paint the beret to match the teddy bear head.


Blender Noob to Pro is a good free online reference to Blender and has details about rigging meshes to armatures.

Edited by madmongo
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