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Remove "white lines" at "cell edges" when exporting "local maps" for a worldspace. How?

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Good evening everybody!


While waiting for some of my questions get answered here, I decided to start work on something that I wanted to do for a while:


Create a map of the entire "Commonwealth" worldspace that looks like the "local map" on the PIP-Boy.

Because I couldn't really find any good "blank" high resolution map for FO4 on the internet.


So I used the CK to "generate local maps", then selected the "commonwealth" worldspace and the cells that I wanted (only the "playable" area).


This generates the "local map" for each cell and saves that as a image in the texture folder.


But, when I started to join some of those together, I noticed that there are some "seams" between the "tiles".

Also each tile is rectangular, not square, so I had to adjust the size of it to a square, so that it wouldn't be all distorted.


But the problem is:

How do I get rid of those "white edges" that each "tile" has?





Any answers would be great ---

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Well, let's see ...

The "resolution" I chose in the CK is "512", but the actual image is 608 px by about 700 px.

I "scaled" each image to 608 px by 608 px.

The "white line" is about 2 px "wide", but sometimes it is only 1 px "wide", so that is weird ....


The real question here is if the "line" is "over actual 'data' ", or if it gets placed "next to the image" ....

If it just gets placed "next to the image", yes, then I could just cut it out ...

But if it "gets placed over the image", then I would loose "some of the image" by that.

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Ok, but there is another problem:


The exported "images" have really weird filenames:


For example, the "north west corner" of DiamondCity has this filename Commonwealth.31.29.png.

But it is located in the cell -04 | -06.


What is going on here?


I set the "generate local maps" thing to make maps for the area -33 |26 (north-west cell) to 27 | -37 (south-east cell), so basically the "playable area" plus a little bit extra.



Well, I guess this is another project that is "on hold" until somebody answers my questions ....

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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