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Rock Climbing


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Remember the climbing skill in Daggerfall? I have wanted to add some sort of rock climbing ability to Skyrim since day one. I have poked around the game files looking for a setting or anything that determines how steep the terrain must be before the game engine will no longer allow the player to walk up it. So far I haven't been able to find anything in the CK or on the web. Ideally I imagine there has to be a game setting in there somewhere that, if set to 0 or 99999 or whatever, would allow the PC to walk straight into a wall and immediately start moving up. If that exists then the rest of the mod seems easy, all that would be needed would be some mechanism to trigger that temporary change to that game setting, such as a toggle "Rock Climbing" power or some equipable climbing item like a chalk bag or climbing gloves.


Does anyone know what setting(s) affect the PC's ability to walk up steep terrain, or if such a value exists at all?

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I'm not sure that's impossible, because I know there was a mod like this for Oblivion, but I recall that it required more than a bit of work and involved replacing all the surfaces which couldn't be climbed with ones that could.
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