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Need help with armor mod and SkyRe


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So I'm working on my first mod but I've run into a problem that I cannot figure out.


The mod works perfectly fine without SkyRe, but with SkyRe the armor rating does not seem to match.


Here's the vanilla item.


Here's the modded item.


They both have the same armor rating and all so I really don't understand.

Here's the stats



I've been doing tons of google searches and I just cannot find any information. I even read the "How to make compatibility" readme and still could not get it.



So I'm pretty much asking how do I get the armor rating to match ingame.

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I dunno if this counts as thread necromancy or not. I apologise if it does.

I had this same issue with a custom armour mod. You need to edit the ReProccer's stats.xml file (just right click and hit Edit and it should open with Notepad or similar).Your armour is being edited by the ReProccer based on particular words found in its name. You'll likely want to add a new line in the stats.xml file specifically for your armour. Picking the right base armour rating will be difficult, though, until you learn a little bit about how the ReProccer adjusts armour ratings. You can find an overview for it on the mod page itself, I believe.

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