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Male Textures


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With the GECK out there has been a big dump of all these female skins/textures coming out.. which is all good but where's all the new male textures?! I'm a female gamer and while I don't mind scantly clad women running around in my game I'd really like to see the boys get the same attention! Now not talking about dangly bits, but better faces where they don't look all mongly would be nice. New hair and faces would be awesome. Extra points for some gothy sort of clothing or more armors with skulls or some raiderish armor that doesn't make them all look super lame.


[edit] And male companions! Can we please have more "boy" things??



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  • 2 weeks later...
It's because 70% of the modders (my numbers may be off.) are male. And don't want to really think about looking at another male's "junk."


LOL Well I'm not asking for "Junk", nekkid mods aren't my thing but I'd love faces/hairs/companions/clothing/etc. Vanilla males are so ugly, just something to make them not hideous would be a HUGE plus.


I know AlienSlof is hard at work on this. So we just have to cross our fingers that it'll be done fairly soon.


Thank you! I'm glad someone is working on this, can't wait to see what AlienSlof comes up with :)

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I do agree that the demographic here seems pretty one-sided. Out of the 50 or so hardcore nude female mods, there's one mod that allows the male PCs to go shirtless...


I can't say with 100% certainty, but I think AlienSlof is going to convert her existing male body mods from Oblivion -- which means you'll be getting "junk" and all. But whatever the case, she's definitely working on it. And it's going to be a fully detailed work of art. It's only a matter of time.

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If I remember right, most of her stuff had "underwear" versions, too. Hopefully, her Fallout mods do as well. I'm not particularly bothered by nudity, but I'd rather not have to explain the danglies to my kids just yet.


Either way, she does fantastic work, and I look forward to seeing it.

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It was Robert's work mostly, but yeah, I will be converting the Oblivion male body mod over to this - as soon as I figure out what I need to do and in what order. As a hetero female gamer, it's always so very disappointing to see so many female nude mods and not one male.


My Fallout boy wants his tackle out! ;)


If I can get it to work, then chances are good that I'll make gothy clothing and armour for it - being a goth and all...


And yes, it will be fully nude. :)


My lad isn't ugly, though:



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With the GECK out there has been a big dump of all these female skins/textures coming out.. which is all good but where's all the new male textures?! I'm a female gamer and while I don't mind scantly clad women running around in my game I'd really like to see the boys get the same attention! Now not talking about dangly bits, but better faces where they don't look all mongly would be nice. New hair and faces would be awesome. Extra points for some gothy sort of clothing or more armors with skulls or some raiderish armor that doesn't make them all look super lame.


[edit] And male companions! Can we please have more "boy" things??




Thank you siset, I was just getting around to asking this myself. I see lots of nude girls in the field :whistling: but what about the guys, this girl wants to enoy them also :whistling:


I'll be looking for thise release, thanks to everyone working on it. (AlienSlof) :thumbsup:

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It was Robert's work mostly, but yeah, I will be converting the Oblivion male body mod over to this - as soon as I figure out what I need to do and in what order. As a hetero female gamer, it's always so very disappointing to see so many female nude mods and not one male.


My Fallout boy wants his tackle out! ;)


If I can get it to work, then chances are good that I'll make gothy clothing and armour for it - being a goth and all...


And yes, it will be fully nude. :)


Can't wait.

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Thank you siset, I was just getting around to asking this myself. I see lots of nude girls in the field :whistling: but what about the guys, this girl wants to enoy them also :whistling:


I'll be looking for thise release, thanks to everyone working on it. (AlienSlof) :thumbsup:


Glad I'm not the only one :happy: I was beginning to think I was the only hetro girl playing this game. lol Bout time we get some boy mods!


It was Robert's work mostly, but yeah, I will be converting the Oblivion male body mod over to this - as soon as I figure out what I need to do and in what order. As a hetero female gamer, it's always so very disappointing to see so many female nude mods and not one male.


My Fallout boy wants his tackle out! ;)


If I can get it to work, then chances are good that I'll make gothy clothing and armour for it - being a goth and all...


And yes, it will be fully nude. :)


:thanks: Cant wait for your mods :D I'm glad someone is working on giving the boys the attention they need!



Now if we could just get rid of the ugly faces >.< I can't seem to make a face that is half way decent. Always with the mongy heads. Someone really needs to retex them! :wallbash:

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