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Ranger Armor mod request - Arrow.


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I'd love to have this armor of something extremely similar in-game I always play Archery oriented characters, I just find it amusing but I've not managed to find what I'm looking for on the Nexus so far or anywhere for that matter.

I'm not a modder, Unfortunately I lack the patience and the creative eye to pull something like this off :( I'd love to learn but I have the attention span of a fish.

So without further ado! My Mod request.







Apologies I couldn't find any pictures from the rear :( But yeah something similar to this armor would be amazing and I'd be forever in the debt of any talented modder willing to take on this project! <3





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies and I know a couple are similar sure, As for Crimson ranger honestly I love the mesh but the color is off putting, Red is a little off for someone skulking around green trees, Seems like your painting a target on yourself.

I know it makes no difference in the game but I'm a stickler for realism and its just immersion breaking for me.


I was honestly hoping someone would be able to fabricate this outfit not point out something similar but different not that I'm ungrateful but I've tried the above options :D And well as an Arrow fanatic it doesn't push the right buttons >:

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  • 11 months later...

There used to be a mod called the Falkreath Ranger armor, but it was taken down :sad:


EDIT: I just found it! For ages it had been taken down, it's pretty much exactly what you wanted! - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38057/? -

Edited by ethernalhero
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