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Removing Hood From Death Mask


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I absolutely love The Death Mask by DeadMerc0610 and Newermind43 But the hood does not match my character and I'd DIE if I could use it with most vanilla hoods, which is what I set out to do. I thought it to be a easy task in Nifskope to just remove NiTriShape DragonHood:0 [8] from the mesh itself. Upon doing so and replcing the original, the game crashes. Here are some screens that hopefully show what I mean..







I don't want to be spoon fed the information, just a pointer in the right direction maybe? :blush:


Steps I took.

1. Open Nifskope

2. Load TheDeathMask.nif

3. Select and expand 0 NiNode - txt Dragonhelm_iron_0.nif under Block List

4. Select and expand 1 NiTriShape - txt DragonHood:0 [8]

5. Select 2 NiTriShapeData (which highlights the hood in the render window)

6. Right Click -> Remove block

7. Save

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A NiTriShape block always comes with a NiTriShapeData inside it...otherwise the game will crash. So you have to delete the whole NiTriShape (select it and press CTRL DEL). Though you might run into another problem after that...but try that first :D
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A NiTriShape block always comes with a NiTriShapeData inside it...otherwise the game will crash. So you have to delete the whole NiTriShape (select it and press CTRL DEL). Though you might run into another problem after that...but try that first :D


Edit: Thank you sooooo much! I got the mask to load with no hood in game! the only problem now (like you predicted) is I have a mask floating above a headless torso. lol I'm guessing this has to do with BSDismemberSkinInstance? I think I can play around with that and the CK to turn the hood to a circlet. Hopefully I'll can manage from here :rolleyes:

Edited by Haxxzor1
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